@omega125 , that's a good 'long form' description. 👍
But, like any pursuit that can lead to extremism, there are those that indulge.
I suspect most, when at a certain point, be it age, budget,, the SAF ceiling, or just simple satiation or weariness of the 'chase'....
Stop. *L*
There are 'niche' players; I am one.
I like to listen not only to the music (#1), but to the 'system' when desired (#2).
Since I diy Walsh speakers, it's kinda a necessity to do so.
My system would make some shake their heads, and claim derangement.
I don't really care, as others are more than welcome to pursue as desired/needed.
Someone has to 'create' the odd 'used' item I may desire at some point.
One rationale to hang about here is to form my own opinion of what that may be on that lovely day. *S*
It also allows to opinionate what I may feel is frivolous, and be ignored until not.
Takes all kinds to fill these forums.
Welcome to it. ;)
Have a pleasant week, J