Jeff Rowland used to advocate matching input and output impedances with his amps and preamps. He maintained that 600 ohms at both ends allowed for a better transfer of signal. If that's true, then is it the BNC, the 50 ohms value or simply having the same impedance at each end the primary cause for the improved sound quality?
XLR-RCA-BNC sonic quality differences
Explain the differences in sound produced by XLR-RCA-BNC terminated interconnects in short and long runs. Short being 3-6 feet and long runs being 20-35 feet.
Why do BNC connected cables work so well with amps/pre-amps of DarTZeel? Will that work with others equally?
Why do BNC connected cables work so well with amps/pre-amps of DarTZeel? Will that work with others equally?
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