Would I benefit with Roon?

I use a Bluesound Node 2i with a power supply upgrade in my main system and a Vault 2i in my second system. The Vault has about 800 CDs and my old iTunes in it. They are both on the same LAN so I can access either and listen anywhere in my home. I stream mostly Qobuz, Amazon Music, and various streams through Tune In. I like the Bluesound App (on two computers in two locations) a lot, but find that it gets clunky and has to be rebooted from time to time.

Would I benefit with Ron?


I bailed on Roon and have never been happier (use Innuos app now)

Their customer support model is terrible when you need real help so beware.

If you are lucky to not have any issues then it's fine

@adeep42 I used Roon for quite a while (I have a lifetime subscription).  It has an excellent interface and more bells and whistles than any other music management system that I've used.  It had more features than I needed, but that's another story.

About 5 or 6 years ago, I started using the Innous Sense app and stopped using Roon in my listening room.  IMHO, Sense's SQ is noticeably better than Roon's.  I still use Roon but moved Roon Core from my Innous Zenith to a Mac Mini.  I now use Roon for my whole house music needs, connecting Roon to Airplay speakers in almost every room in the house and the backyard. 

Roon is a great product, and you can't go wrong with it.  I just found something I like better (and Sense is free!).

Roon is a game changer for me, and I use bluesound node 2i as well as multiple cheap streaming devices scattered around the house. Without it, I found using BluOS or the streaming service app (Qobuz, Tidal , Spotify) to be clutsy and confusing when looking for music to play. Roon’s integration of my server files with streaming service libraries completely fixes how I find music, and finding new music is a breeze.


 I too need a better system from cataloging classical albums.  I use a Melco N100 NAS and 2 Cambridge Audio CXN2 streamers in my house.  The CA streaming app is an improvement over other apps but I still wind up with multiple listings for the same composer, with multidisc box sets split between the various tabs, etc.  I lasted looked at Roon many years ago and didn’t like it, I had to reload it every day of my free trial and the last time I thought the MacAir I was using as a controller was going to blow up.

  Should I try again?  And would I need a new piece of hardware?  And does it run Apple Music?  The Roon site only mentions Tidal and Qobuz

@adeep42 n

Not Tune in per say but yes with an easy workaround. You can manually add a TuneIn station to the My Live Radio portion of your library.