Worthy alternatives to the Aria for my RP8/Apheta 2?

So I’m picking up a Rega RP8 with Apheta 2 cart in another week and probably the easy thing to do would be to get the Aria stage and be done with it. I like how it sounds and would be happy. But I’m curious: Has anyone found great synergy between the RP8/Apheta 2 and other stages? I’m particularly keen on any with balanced output as I might look at an Ayre integrated. Thanks, folks!
Honestly, at the price point of the Aria, it's going to be hard to beat it with the turntable/cart that you are getting.  Are there other stages that sound fantastic with the Apheta 2, you bet.......but the Aria was basically built with the Apheta in mind, so it's really a pretty nice pairing.
If you think about Ayre I would recommend the Ayre P-5xe... an
really excellent phono stage.

Just heard it two days ago in comparison with other (more expensive)
phono stages.