World's BEST ac outlets.......Maestro outlets

Category: Accessories

Over the years I have tried most of the raved outlets on the market and the Porter Ports from Albert Porter were the best that I had found that did not add or take way from the music... here's a few, Oyaide R1, Synergistic Research Telsaplex, FIM 880, WattGate Silver 381 ag, PS Audio powerport premier, Jena Labs, Isoclean Gold. All these other outlets did something to harm the music in some way...some hyped up the highs and mids and others had bloated low ends. I always thought the Porter Ports were the best on the market that I had tried until I tried the Maestro outlets. The Maestro outlets are the most neutral and most accurate outlets that I have ever heard. I let the maestro outlets settle-in a little for 7 full days and nights playing music non-stop before comparing them with my porter ports. When I compared the two I found that the porter ports sounded a little closed-in and a little Flat sounding when compared to the maestro outlets. The porter ports was not as clean or as clear when compared to the maestro outlets. The porter ports low end was a little bloated too when compared to the maestro outlets. On complex musical passages with the porter ports in my system I found myself turning the volume down more...much more! When I was listening to music with the maestro outlets in my system the Trasparency of these outlets were truely amazing and I hope this will get even better as these outlets settle-in more! The soundstage was wider and deeper and they were more upper frequency air too when compared to the porter ports. The Maestro outlets had a lower noise floor that allowed more of the suble cues to come through more. The maestro outlets also had a better separation of individual instruments and vocals....more natural sounding more REAL! I think the non-plated maestro outlets have a much more direct sound than the non-plated porter ports because the Maestro outlets have a higher quality copper content. My vintage sansui sp-5500 horn speakers just completely disappears now with these maestro outlets in my entry level system...Marantz pm-7001 and matching marantz CD player, DH Labs power plus power cables, very cheap copper interconnects from wal-mart, Synergistic Research Alpha quad active speaker cables... I think these maestro outlets will become an Instant Classic!
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I used the Orange Hospital grade outlets from Home Depot and they work awesome for $16.00 each. I got some loaners name brands outlets from a friend and did not notice a difference. I have two dedicated 20 amp circuits for my anthem Statement power amp.
Thanks Tbg. As evident I look for ways to improve my system but I am very happy where I am at and could be happy if nothing changed until I get 100 yrs old. At that point just for something to do I am planning on rioting in front of all the audio snake oil salesmen.
Marqmike, I have found that it is a lot easier to get good music on ones stereo is easier than to get the realism that I have heard. Getting this realism is very expensive and very fragile.

I would sincerely advice you to do as you say and be happy. But I am, nevertheless, still on the quest.
It sounds like the maestro is at least a good outlet for me and I am very happy with it. I don't need the very best I just want really, really good. I have that. An outlet will not make or break it. My system is quite magical if that makes any sense. It is also nice to see that I can get something that might be as nice or better in my system.
I don't mind that everyone has his/her own preference. But I found that the same poster has the same posts in multiple forums. At that point, it starts to appear like a advt gimmick. Search the net for Maestro+outlet+reviews (yes, that + is very helpful) and you will see Hifisoundguy all over the net.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion regarding what sounds best in their system.
Personally, I know that in the world of high end audio what sounds good in one persons system can sound different in someone else's system.
I've found the Porter Port outlet to sound good and is a big bang for the buck. I still use some in my systems.
I purchased two Maestro outlets and thought they were good but I did not hear all the hype that I had read about and the cost; ouch!
I'm currently extreamly happy with the Furutech GTX-D (Rhodium) outlets that I'm using. High cost yes, shop for a sale price, but at least in my system I very much like what I hear and that makes the price not hurt so much.
It's all about personal preferences, system dependencies and differences.
I’m sure there are other great sounding outlets out there but at what time does one stop the search?
Hifisoundguy, true but you are so assertive as to suggest that others should heed you. Why should they?
Tbg that sounds good. Thanks, that was kind of you to do that. I will get one for my other outlet. I doubt if I will ever compare the two, the maestro and it. Then stranger things have happened. Thanks again.
Marqmike, It would be best to seek one of the Hubbells. I will try to get the number on one of mine. It is the Hubbell HBL5362. Go to Google and put that in. They are about $25@.
It is amazing how an outlet can improve things across the board and no negatives I can recall. I am to lazy to do any a/b-ing. So it is nice to hear others comments. Tbg that is a lot of outlets. Are there any that you have heard in that price range that have the potential to be as good as the discontinued Hubbells? Nice to hear about the Furutech and the Oyaide.
Marqmike, I found that the top commercial grade Hubbell outlet sound far better than the Maestro. I don't think it is available any longer but only cost about $27. I bought about 20 of them and used them all. The Furutech GTX-Dr is my favorite now at only about ten times as much! I also have an Oyaide R0 outlet (about $80@ in one outlet. It is very good.
Thanks much for your thought on the Maestro. I did read up some threads here and on the net. I found that fanboy Hifisoundguy has practically started threads on Maestro on every audio forum sites. That kind of put me off, since I felt it was kind of advertisement for Maestro. I have a feeling that non-plated ports do not impart a color to the music as much as a plated ports would do. But maybe I am wrong. I am doing my room with 20amp dedicated lines (10 gauge). This impact on sound, should be much more than changing outlets. I have decided to go with Porter Ports, since they are also non-plated.
I received a maestro outlet about 3 months ago, mostly due to this thread. It has been a nice improvement over a 45 yr old outlet our nice house came with. The maestro has a lot better grip than the old outlet but not a death grip. Which I think is very good thing. The sound now seems to have a noticbly lower noise floor. Now compared to before there are sounds that are more clearly marked. Much of that is the sounds dirctly from and around the instruments(the trailing harmonics I think) and vocals are more complete and thus more natural making the timbre of the instruments and vocals more natural and fleshed out. This worked to make everything more complete/whole and more natural. It did not move the sound stage closer or father away but I can hear more clearly the back of the stage. And the sides of the stage things were more clearly outlined but in a natural way.
So as a sum up it made the low level sounds more clear in a good way which seems to result in everything haveing a more complete sound and thus sounding more natural. And the prominent sounds are more 3D in a more natural manner.
I think it was a nice big improvement with no down sides. I can't always say that. With all this being said I think it is goofey how much improvement an outlet can have.
I read on audiokarma that you do not have a dedicated 20amp line for your audio. This was in 2010. Have you tried the Maestro on a dedicated line? I am leaning to either Maestro or Porter Port, since both are non-plated.
Kaibi23: No, you don't need a dedicated line in order to try these outlets. However, a dedicated line to your components is preferred for all-around sonic gains.
Wow! It's like I'm on stage but not on stage. This, I know doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Listening to Tedeschi/Trucks Band "Live". It's like I'm on stage but hearing the effects from afar. There is NO in your face crap! I could raise the volume higher @ higher, doesn't matter. The music is THERE, the structure is there, no IN YOUR FACE at all!. WOW!

No matter what you may be thinking, this goes to my whole system set-up and synergy also! Wow! I'm ing impressed!!!
........the other effect these outlets have had is... recordings that I've once put in a category of too compressed to ever listen to again, ( Aimee Mann "Charmer")are now very listenable! ??? I just can't figure this out!
Just installed two Maestro outlets. They replaced two Porter Ports. I have two dedicated lines run in my room that power my front end electronics on one line, amp @ subs on another.

Right off the bat I noticed greater delineation on all aspects of the music spectrum. Bass in particular is more clear, in that I can distinguish bass lines to a greater degree. There is a greater sense of "naturalness" to the music now. The soundstage is seemless. None of this comes with any sense that " I'm missing something".

Shawn Colvin "Steady On", (my go to lp for a reference), the male back-up singers are in greater focus, again the soundstage more natural. "Trinity Sessions", another reference lp, much improved all around from last listen.

36 hours on them right now. I wish they had a tighter grip, I got spoiled with the FIMs I use to have in this regard. I'm glad I purchased these. While not cheap, in the high-end world they are a good value.
If it's any consolation, the new Teslaplex SE dose not have a magnetic back strap. Thanks to your input (and others) I began experiments with not magnetic materials in the construction of the Teslaplex and found this made a substantial improvement.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.
I recently installed a Maestro outlet and there was a perceptible improvement in sound quality. I have no idea why it would make any difference, especially in light of the fact that the outlet it replaced was also a "special" outlet -- a Synergistic Research Teslaplex. I assume the answer is Magic, but that is another thread. Anyway, I have a question...

I seem to recall reading in a couple places that magnetic backstraps were a no no. The Teslaplex has a magnetic backstrap, so I used that to "justify" ordering the Maestro. Justify to myself, not The Wife. I spare her the discomfort of these decisions. Yes, I know it's thoughtful of me. Anyway...

A week later, the Maestro arrived, shiny and new. When The Wife asked, "What's that?" I believe I said, "I have no idea. The mailman brought it." She left me gazing romantically at my new outlet, when an idea found its way into my head. I reached into my desk and found the very same magnet that had condemned the Teslaplex to the Drawer of Forgotten Toys. I decided to celebrate the Maestro's arrival by holding the magnet to its backstrap, and... it stuck.

The Maestro also has a magnetic backstrap. Hmm.

Agisthos, high copper content is quality brass, which is what is in the Hubbell 5362.
There is one outlet that the Maestro should be compared to. The new Furutech GTX pure copper outlet.

My past experiences with using pure copper AC/IEC connectors for power cables have been a noticable jump in naturalness. You soon realise all gold/silver/rhodium plating has an artificial-ness about them.

Im not sure what the longevity is with using pure/red copper, but Furutech may have found a way to get high copper content and yet not have the problems with oxidation or softness.
I'm very happy with with my Maestro ac outlets and I'm done looking for ac outlets.

Adding the new cover plates was just Icing on the cake and showed me the real full potential of these Maestro outlets !

To my ears, these Maestro outlets are the best ac outlets I have ever tried and they will be raved about for many years to come.
Hifisoundguy, I have no interest in starting a new thread; anything but. This is because I know full well that people value different aspects of music reproduction, have different rooms, and certainly have different equipment. I post only to share my personal experiences.
Tbg , its good that you have found a ac outlet that you like a lot... you should start your own thread about them here. We all have different tastes and we all hear things differently so what ever makes you happy is all that matters.
I got this lead from the outlets used by Sound Application. They use them throughout and provide an additional one to install in the wall. Initially, I did not use it, but later installed it in place of the Maestro plug. Frankly everything benefited from doing this. Dynamics, the top end, bass, soundstage, and general realism improved.

I then compared it with the original Sound Application/Jena Labs unit which is the same Hubbell but cryogenically treated. I was shocked at how bad the cryoing did to the outlet. Next was the Syn. Res. Teslaplex SE. Again the plain HBL5362 proved superior. I bought 12 more and use them everywhere.

Why is it better. It is very heavy and used good brass throughout. It may be a simple as that. It is not used by others as it is typically between $15-$25.
Hifisoundguy, you might want to try the Hubbell HBL5362 which should cost you less than $20@.


Why would the Hubbell be so good in your system and what AC cables are you plugging into it?
Hifisoundguy, you might want to try the Hubbell HBL5362 which should cost you less than $20@.
Tbg , you should give them another try sometime, they do sound better with these cover plates on them. They might be a better match for your system now.
Tbg , Did you listen to Maestro outlet with the new Cover Plate ON IT...these Maestro outlets do sound better with these cover plates ON THEM !..

I know these Maestro outlets are not going to please every system out there...
Hifisoundguy, if you are happy with the Maestros, enjoy. I listened to them but found the Hubbell HBL5362 superior. I should say, however, that I am now using the Weizhi PRS-6 which uses Custom Oyaide R1s. Of course, it is plugged into the Hubbell in the wall. Previously, I had preferred the Hubbell to the R1s. Perhaps it is the combination used in the Weizhi.
Jwm , I now have a Yamaha a-s2000 integrated amp and matching CD Player, Crimson R.M. Music Link interconnects and speaker cables, Modified BOSE 901 series 6 MK2's.

I think I have a pretty Damn GOOD my EARS and that's ALL THAT MATTERS !..

I only wished they had these "Cover Plates" back when I first got my Maestro ac outlets...they are very addictive together !!..
I have the Maestro outlets and they are worth the T&E needed to install and hear how they can outrun the competition.

Is my system up to snuff Jwm?
Its amazing that someone spends this much money and effort on outlets when his system is just mediocre at best. Let someone with a true high end system do these kind of evaluations, maybe I would be more interested in this product.
Tbg , All "REVIEWS" should be looked at as a Guide only because we all hear things differently and we all have different tastes !..
Hifisoundguy, your endorsement of both Audio Magic fuses and Maestro ac outlets lacks any comparative basis. If you are going to review, please give some reason why you should be believed.
I have been trying out the new cover plates for my Maestro ac outlets from Cruze First Audio and these cover plates are by far the best I have ever tried...period !! These cover plates and Maestro ac outlets together let you hear.. "recorded music the way it was meant to be heard" !!

These cover plates are treated with the same RFI/EMI rejecting compuend used in the Maestro ac outlets !

I would like to get some feedback on these new cover plates from some of the Maestro ac outlet owners out there !

I have been trying out a Audio Magic Nano-Liquid fuse in my Yamaha a-s2000 solid-state integrated amp and my amp sounds much better now...everything sounds very smooth and with a very tube-like mid-range !..

These fuses let you hear the Maestro ac outlet's full potential and are a perfect match for these Maestro outlets.

Hello. I have been running it now not as long as you, but is say 200 hours. It seems to have opened up some, but when I go back to my old outlet (porter port), it just doesn't hold up. Sound just isn't as dynamic, a lot of the soundstage was lost . It's being tested from a dedicated line, plugged directly into source with black sand z1mk 2 powercords. Now not saying its a bad plug by any means, but I'm thinking maybe this one is more system dependant. Setup of mine now has been put together on me reading countless reviews from others experiences becuase its impossible to try everything. I've got a very neutral sound in my system now, which I think we all are tryin to achieve, that why I was excited to try the maestro thinking that by the review, it would give my system even more realism. I'm going to give it another day or so but I'm thinking if it doesn't improve, I'm gonna send it back. Im still keeping my hopes up :-)
Cani80, I'll be very curious about your impressions as time moves along. I have to say actually that the sound is improving in my system. I've been running my gear non-stop since I installed the Maestro (the beauty of using it for source gear first). I think I have about 480 hours on it now.