Wilson Audio Sabrina X - Hegel H390/H590

I'm setting up my music room in our new home. The room is smaller 11 x 15 and I currently own the Hegel H390 and am purchasing the Sabrina X's. I was wondering if the H390 will adequately drive the Sabrina X's? Or, will these speakers require the extra umph of the H590? I'm hoping the H390 will be adequate for this pairing and this smaller carpeted room as the H590 is an extra $5k.


BTW, I'm also waiting for my HoloAudio May DAC order to arrive to add to this system. 


I think you will do fine. I bought the Holo Spring DAC recently. I prefer it to my PS Audio Directstream. I think you will love the May DAC. Congrats.

I think I’d give your H390 a serious shot and see what you think.  If you think you need more, at that level I’d be looking for separates including a tubed preamp and solid state amp.  But, I have a feeling your Wilsons with your current Hegel ain’t gonna suck in the least.  Best of luck. 

A 390 will drive those just fine. The 590 though has a bit of a different character, both are excellent amps.