Wilson Audio paint problems

Hi - am I the only person who has experienced problems with Wislon Audio products? I bought a brand new pair of Sofia 2s and after about 12 months they developed cracking around the top and front edge. This has spread laterally at the top if the speaker. I approached the distributor who offered to take them to a Ferrari paint shop! I called Wilson Audio but the guy I was put through to did not return my calls.

I have since purchased a pair of Duettes on Audiogon. These too have developed a light crack down the side along one of the seams. I love Wilson speakers (I have the centre and sub/sub controller too). I have invested a lot of money in the brand but now feel completely unable to get my problems sorted. Looking on the web, there seems to be a lot about WA's commitment to the client. I just feel I can't get access to it!

Does anyone else have a similar experience or advice?
jtimothya makes good sense. It is an unfortunate situation but if you buy used or gray-market it's one you have to anticipate is likely to happen, if you need a repair. If the paint crack indicates a problem w the underlying cabinet, then I think that this would result in a big hit on re-sale value.
I got to a crack in the cabinet at the joint because earlier in the thread someone mentioned that this is an issue with the glue manufacturer. The flat panels that make up the cabinet I believe are glued together. That implies to me that it is the cabinet and not the paint that first moved. That is understandable considering the pressures that are inside these cabinets. That movement caused the crack along the joint in the paint. At least I see this as one possible scenario.

Regarding the sonic effect: If one can't hear it, then HE can't detect it. However, others MAY be able to. People have heard things in my system and I in theirs that the other does not detect. Lots of possible reasons for that outcome. One being the quality of a person's hearing. Another is knowing what to listen for. Clearly, in this case, it is not an obvious sonic effect. But it may be subtle. I'm just saying that just because the OP can't hear it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Someone else might hear it and there is the possibility that it might get worse with time.

I agree with you that a buyer can only expect so much service depending on many factors. And one's expectations should be no different for Magico, B&W, or other well -established brands. There are many variables and factors involved.

This is a long thread and seems not to be a unique issue. I don't know what is meant my a "slippery slope". The OP is just asking for opinions and advice. He is getting some. I hope he can resolve this to his satisfaction.
Thanks for all feedback. I'm just try to make up my mind if I get it fixed is it worth the 2000usd that it will cost to fix it end to end. If the cost was only 500 I wouldnt even think twice. But at 2000 to 3000 it's another story. As I mentioned I was hope wilson would split the cost with me or something. As I purchase this set of speakers because they matched the room color and style. If you look at my virtual system pictures you will see that. As I'm sure this will not be the last Wilson speakers that I will purchase. I thought it would be good for the manufacture to keep the customer happy and wow them with their service. I know that is very important in the service business. I run two very big 5 star golf course for my family business. I known bad feedback get spread to 10 people. We do absolutely everything we can to keep the golfers happy. Anyway i think I will get the local distributor to make a visit to see how much it will cost for shipping.