Wilson audio MAXX 1 VS Wilson Audio Alexandria X2-1

Any recommendation to improve Wilson MAXX 1 transparency and openness in Mid and Mid Hi ?!

Don't those speakers have resistors you can swap out to tilt the tonal balance to some degree?
This may seem counterintuitive but the best way to get more mid range clarity may be to tame the bass on this monster. Almost all Wilson have a characteristic bass resonance around 80 Hz (usually 5db boost around 60 to 100 Hz) and Wilson tend to be strong in the lower mid range too (up to 300 Hz) You would be surprised at how much this influences what you are no longer hearing in the mid range compared to speakers that are flatter and less resonant. The problem with resonance is that the bass tones can actually last a wee bit longer (again increasing the masking). The flip side is that the bass on a monster speaker like this is of course impressive and enjoyable!!!

The basis for MPEG audio compression is that low frequenucies mask higher frequencies and vice versa - while you have strong low frequencies (say up to 500 Hz) your hearing cannot hear mid range detail at all. (Mid range detail can be 20 to 30 db down)

Some speaker designers concentrate on low Q or tight bass with flat response and no resonance. These type speakers will let you hear much more mid range. Wilson does not use this approach.
Just a guess based on hands-on experience from many many extended auditions at a friend’s house with the MAXX.’s....

The challenge : an acute System synergy issue: They bought the large audio high-end dealer bespoke matched in-house flagship demo setup with further bespoke cable tweaks:


System synergy optimization exercise with an acute speaker sensitivity to its supporting gear as the key to optimimum audio performance .

What they have:

(electronics) they have the top MARK LEVINSON full array as best-of-breed sonic signature to the MAXX's ..... = audio nirvana.
(Cables) Apparently the dealer spent considerable effort and time in a lengthy (multi day exercise actually done in their house ....) multi-brand swap-in / swap-out of a lengthy list of high-end contenders and pretenders before settling on an eventual high-end quality build winner.
Apparently it made an appreciable improvement difference.
