Wilson Alexx V

The new Alexx V is to be released at the end of this month 3/29/21.  Any thoughts or predictions on how this one will compare to the current one.  I know no one will know for sure until it’s out.  They say it’s based off the XVX.  I believe this one may rival the XLF in a smaller package. New tweeter, midrange and increase in bass enclosure size and the new Xcaps.  More efficient?  Any thoughts?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xcarey1110
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Dear @carey1110  : "   Yes I’m a Wilson fan. "

My mistake/Iwas wrong because I was thinking that a gentleman looking for the kind of quality level of a speaker as Wilson his main target should be MUSIC and its quality level home reproduction.

I'm fan of MUSIC not fan of any kind of hardware that's need it to enjoy MUSIC at the best/high quality levels we can get  and you can get that " best " with other hardware options but go a head with what makes you happy.

Sorry to disturb you with all my posts that certainly were not for an audiophile as you.

Nothing wrong , each one of us has our unique targets, priorities and preferences.

Rauliruegas....Well yes that is true to each he’s own. I am a fan of music but I love the hardware too. Since it reproduces the music. It was my passion for music that has lead me to Wilson. Not saying that Wilson is the only one I’d enjoy but it’s is one of my top 5 favorite speakers manufacturers for many reasons.  I can also  appreciate many others as well but as you might remember this discussion is about the New Wilson Alexx V.  So my comments are centered around Wilson. I enjoy many types of music and many types of systems that reproduce it. However just trying to stay on topic which happens to be about a piece of equipment, The Wilson  Alexx V . We can’t really comment yet on how it sounds since it hasn’t been released yet. 
Railiruegas-  No need to apologize I still value your comments here they have given me things to think about. Always welcomed. Thankyou. 
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I heard the Alexx V at Excel in Newport Beach, it was an impressive demo. Mike spun the IMPEX Patricia Barber 1-step of Cafe Blue, im not a big Barber fan but this particular pressing is exceptional. The Aleex V is def in a similar league to the Wamm Jr system set up on the opposite wall (Chronosonic XVX with double Sub Sonic subs). Even without subs the Alexx V has tight extended bass driven by BAT tube monos (REX 3). Color me impressed.
I had the pleasure of hearing the new Alexx V today. It is a speaker that anyone contemplating a speaker in its price range should definitely put on their short list. The Alexx V clearly needs a large room and plenty of space to breath, BUT if you have this room, I can think of few speakers that can compete with it. Far more resolving and impressive sounding than any prior Wilson I have heard, including the XLF.
Carey1110 -  agree with your comments.  A lot of new development has gone into making it (new V material, capacitors, mid range, tweeter). I haven't heard it yet..  I do like the open sides too. It appears that Michael Fremer has leap frogged over the Alexx and bought the XVX!   
Daveyf-  how would you say the sound stage and tonal balance is compared to the XLF?  Did you like it better than the older Alexx?What electronics did you listen with. 
Newton- yes Fremer did just that. However I don’t think the Alexx V was available when he made that jump.  I’m sure the XVX is incredible as it should be. 
@carey1110 The tonal balance and sound stage was considerably larger and more precise than what i remember hearing from the XLF. I also was impressed with the overall scale produced, but this had to do with the enormous room which I heard the demo in.Electronics were a pair of D’Ag mono’s and the HD preamp, along with a Nagra DAC and streamer. I was very impressed when i heard the old Alexx, but this new model takes it up a notch, although I think for a major price difference...not so sure I would spring for the difference...unless the coin was unimportant.
So are you saying the Alexx V is better but not that much better the the original Alexx?
I think that is correct. My memory of the Alexx is that it is a superb speaker with excellent coherence. The new model is everything that I remember of the old model, plus a bit more extended at the frequency extremes. Unfortunately, the price has moved up considerably, making old stock Alexx a really nice deal at its current price. Not sure how Wilson justifies a price increase over the old model retail of $26K!
These new Alexx V's has all new Tweeters that no other Wilson Audio speakers has.. not even the XVX's !
Yes so I have heard. What are the differences between those and the older one besides the carbon fiber basket?
@highend666 The speaker I heard was the Alexx V, in most ways not related to the Wilson Alexandria Series 2...not Alexx Series 2. Admittedly, their naming can be confusing sometimes. Yes, the Alexx V is a way superior sounding speaker to that old model with the horrible Focal tweeter. Anyone who owns that old model would do well to dump it and get the just replaced Alexx, or if funds allow, the new Alexx V. Like you state, big changes- and a big upgrade.
The question is how much better is the Alexx V than the previous model. Sonically is it worth the difference?
@carey1110   Your question is one that everyone has to answer for themselves. If money is no issue, then yes, they are definitely worth the difference...:0)
Ok just spent some time A B ing the Alexx and the Alexx V and I will say, to me yes it’s worth the difference in price. Next to each other the differences were very obvious. The first thing that caught my attention in the Alexx V was the clarity without irritation.  The upper frequencies while quite extended were ultra smooth. No sibilants or irritants at all. The midrange presented with a complete lack of glare. I never even noticed any glare on the Alexx 1 till I heard the V. Bass seems much deeper and more articulate than the older model. The Alexx V seemed more relaxed and out of the way of the music. Crazy Dynamics. Not sure if this is because the V is more efficient or because it is an easier load to drive,  maybe both. Very pleasant experience.. However had I not had them side by side I could easily live with the original Alexx which is still and always will be a great speaker. However now that I know; the Alexx V with haunt me till I own it.