Will anyone do a report on the RMAF???

Love to hear what went on!!
10-22-13: Rwd
Thanks Bombay....nice info and write-up. I suppose Coincident did not show their flagship speaker , their reference??
that's right they did not. Coincident was playing their Super Victory II 8-ohm speaker.
It seems that the ribbon tweeter (Total Victory speaker ) matches well with the new Coincident 845 SET amp you heard, ribbons can be tricky sometimes. Glad to know it worked out fine.
Thanks Bombay....nice info and write-up. I suppose Coincident did not show their flagship speaker , their reference??

I was at this show for all 3 days - had a great time, met several notables of the audio industry & listened to a great many systems.

10-14-13: Roscoeiii
You might want to check out the thread of Tyson and Pez's coverage of RMAF over on Audio Circle. Great coverage.
I did look at this on A-C. I suppose audio is subjective hence the reason but some of my least favourites came up as Tyson & Pez's most favourites!

I visited Israel Blume's Coincident room & I agree with Dpatterson & Quad-man - the sonics in that room were really very good.

Some of the rooms that I found had very good sonics were (as I am remembering them - in totally random order)
* Brodmann Acoustics - playing the stand-mount speakers (the floor standers were very good too, but since they went down to 27Hz they were too much for that room)
* Border Patrol & Volti Audio. I heard Border Patrol electronics is a few rooms & each time the music sounded really nice.
* Atma-Sphere & Classic Audio Reproductions Hartsfield.
* Doshi Audio & Wilson Audio Alexia
* Thrax & Venture Speakers
* Scaena Room over in the Hyatt
* Green Mountain Audio + Marigo Audio Labs + Audio Magic & Rowland Aeris DAC & Edge amp
* Triode Audio Labs
* Saskia/Emia room with that single driver made by RCA in 1950s - the LC-1A driver
* T+A room driving Dynaudio C1 speakers
* Trigon Audio driving Audio Physic speakers

I should have stayed longer to hear the Odyssey Audio room but when I was there Klaus was about to open the Khartago amps to adjust its bias.
Should have stayed longer to form a better opinion on the GR Research/Dodd room - people say it was very good but the sonics did not grab me.

10-16-13: Rleff
Has anyone read or heard how Lawrence Audio's speakers performed during the show?
I am considering them to replace my Soundlab M2's.
I did go the Lawerence Audio room - someone suggested that I must so that I could hear the Rowland 825 amps. Their speaker reminded me of the Eggleston Andra speaker. The sonics were good in the room but nothing that grabbed me as being top-notch.
You are kidding me that you want to replace the Soundlab M2 with the Lawerence Audio speaker!! I'm sure that the M2 can run rings around the Lawerence Audio speaker unless you messed up your setup thus have average sonics from the M2?? The M2 speaker is very hard to beat - does everything that it's advertised to do. You need an amp designed to drive an electrostatic speaker - not just any amp.
I believe Coincident has a winner in the new 845 SET amplifier. Well built(95
pounds) and very reasonable price for 28 watts of pure SET power and has
a remote. Quad-man that was a good decision.
RWD - Coincident was showing the Super Victory II (9999.00)along with their new integrated amps. The turbo 845se with 845 output tubes at 28 watts and the incredibly priced (999.00) Dynamo 34se using EL34s at 8 watts. I only heard the Turbo 845se (5995.00)and was pretty impressed with the sound. I really wanted to hear the Dynamo 34se but never got back to the room.
Has anyone read or heard how Lawrence Audio's speakers performed during the show?
I am considering them to replace my Soundlab M2's.
Nice RMAF review of Briton II
The Coincident room sounded very good and dynamic. + very nice people!!!
They were using their 12 watt SET amp and the new Coincident Turbo 28 watt SET integrated amplifier I was so impressed with the 28 watt integrated that I purchased it. It's built in Canada 28 watts pure SET $6K; no brainer.

The speakers were good though a little tight and would be even better with a little burn-in.

We used 200 watt push pull monos but I would have preferred the SET for our stupid efficient speakers.
Quad-man, what was your impressions regarding the Coincident Top of the line speakers???
Lots of good feedback for: Vapor Audio, dc10audio, TAD, Coincident and that tower with the big ceramic horn!

RMAF Was very BUSY!!!
I agree about Tyson and Pes, much the best coverage of any show and also honest. They tend to always look at companies linked to the site, but can be critical of them too.

The other sites, enjoy the music, seem unwilling to criticise. The ever present commercial pressures I suppose
Agreed. My only quibble - were they specifically looking for the very best sound absolutely irregardless of price?

You might want to check out the thread of Tyson and Pez's coverage of RMAF over on Audio Circle. Great coverage. A highlight for me of RMAF coverage.