Why upgrade transport???

My front end is a Pioneer PD65 used as a transport via illuminati D60 to an Assemblage D2D-1 jitter reducer/upsampler, via I2Se cable to an Assemblage DAC 3.0, which has upgrades including the Burr Brown DF1704 24/96 filter and OPA 627 op amps. The rest of my system is run balanced out of the 3.0.

My question is, since the D2D-1 does both reclocking and upsampling to 24/96, would there be any benefit to a transport upgrade, and what could I expect? I was looking at a moderate upgrade such as to the Sonic Frontiers SFT, or maybe a Meridian. The setup will be used only for CD music, and not for SACD or DVD.

As a second option, are there relatively simple mods to the PD65, which would provide a sonically better front end, such as disconecting the D/A portion of the circuitry, improving the power cord, sound coat, or others?

As always, thanks for your comments and help,

The last thing I would spend a lot of money on right now is an expensive transport, unless the money's not that big a deal to you. If you really feel like your transport is limiting your playback potential, I'd go with a new all-in-one player. But we're not far from a new way of serving up digital music (analog, of course, is a completely different story) - the fact that getting the information from the transport to the DAC is so problematic is an after-effect of the outdated technology used for CD's. Some sort of memory-based storage system isn't far off - imagine a CD player that reads the whole CD into RAM before clocking it into the DACs. If you can copy whole CDs error free, you could design a player to read the whole thing into RAM error free. 700MB of RAM isn't that expensive anymore, so there isn't a financial barrier to making a mid-to-high end player like this. Or you'll have a music server far, far away from your system, but connected via ethernet and stream your music collection error free. A company like Tact with their RCS devices can become a software company, at least for this product line. There's no technical reason why this functionality should cost more than a copy of Excel in the future. -Kirk
A transport does not send out "1's and 0's" -- what it does is take the digital information off a CD and convert it into an electrical signal that is REPRESENTATIVE of the digital stream of "1's and 0's". This signal is then routed to the DAC in a manner just like any other audio electrical signal.

Therefore, the quality of the transport is dependent on the same thing as other components, namely the quality of the power supply, filtering caps, voltage regulators, signal path resistors, caps etc. And of course, the higher the design and build quality, the more expensive.

Yes, the transport affects sound quality and upgrading a transport can have more than a subjective benefit. I also agree it is the most important component of a digital front end.
The Pioneer PD65 is a very good transport and it was used by Wadia and Theta. If you are planning to buy a used transport, check with the manufacturer to see if they still have spare transport parts. Philips stopped making the transport that's used in the Sonic Frontiers SFT1 a couple of years ago.
I've seen data 2's for about 500 bones all over lately. I've heard really good things of them, evan comparisans to levinsons, I bought one and was shocked.
The basis for this is IF you have all you clocking and jitter dealt with in the sophistication you already have, may be only upgrading the stability of the transport itself, (or to some degree) which makes a big difference. The data is a big, solid monster. Like tireguy says, simpler is better I have found, and the data has good jitter control, but you may discover your stuff is quite good too.
Then, it seems to me the only way to upgrade, is to get a good transport with 24/96 capability anyway, which leaves you having to sell anyway, and that only leaves one more conponent to sell.
Mitch- I don't know how attached you are to the rest of your gear or even what it is worth, but if you could sell it all and get an audio aero capitole mk I or mk II, I think you would be very pleased. Run it direct to the amp and it will blow you away, not to mention with less cableing. Long ago a very wise audiophile told me the simplier a system is typically the better it will sound(to me it only makes sense, less things to screw up) look at vinyl why is it better? because it is MUCH simpler. This is just my opinion though YMMV. ~Tim
Thanks everyone for your comments and recommendations. As I suspected, I will probably hear a significant difference with a better transport. However, I need to stay within a budget in the ballpark of $1000 used. I have heard great things about a relatively inexpensive transport, the Vecteur D-2. I have also considered the Sonic Frontiers SFT-1 and Wadia 22. Any comments about these, or further suggestions?

I owned a Denon 1620 which I used for years as a transport,
then upgraded to an EAD T-1000. The latter was an improvement. About two years ago I sold my EAD and got
a Mark Levinson #37. This was an even bigger improvement
over the EAD. The jitter control circuitry in the better
transports can make a substantial improvement in sound.
I agree with Tireguy.
The transport is the most important part of the digital equation.
I use to have a Rotel player; I upgraded to a Krell D to A, but heard little difference; then I upgraded the transport to the big EAD, and WOW, what a difference.
Buy a new transport.

Well to best of my understanding the transport is one if not the most important components of a digital system. First of all you must realized that digital is a serious of 1's and 0's a cheaper transport may loose or rearrange what is actually suppose to be happening. I also strongly believe in starting upstream and then moving down, what is lost early can not be gained later in the chain. So to insure a good correct stream of 1's and 0's you need a good transport and first rate cables, there is a HUGE difference in the sound of digital cables try a few you will see what I mean. This is a controversial subject in the audiophile world some feel a transport is THE MOST important component some feel it doesn't matter at all(they see it as 1's and 0's so what does it matter as long as they get to a good jitter reductin device and then into a good DAC) Personally if digital is your only source I think it is plain foolish to skimp, I understand why vinyl guys aren't into digital regardless of what they do it isn't-usually- going to be better. ~Tim
Audio Note CDT-two is a great transport!Transport will make a big difference,if transports were more correct then DACs could be a lot simpler.I had a PD-95 before the A.N.and was made a believer instantly.