Why Preamps Thump on Turn on

I posted a fun discussion on my blog to get into the details of this turn-on phenomenon. 




@atmasphere   Thanks for the follow up... I'll have to go take a look when I have time, which may be a while.

@erik_squires  Huh?? you have enough time to post that and then direct people to your site with this thread, yet not enough time to take down obvious misinformation? That'll take only slightly longer to sort out than it will for you to respond to this thread.

@atmasphere Wow that is some serious entitlement there. I’ll get to it when I get to it.  I had time then, i don't right now.  Sit and spin until you cool off.

My Levinson ML-26 preamp has no power button. When it's plugged in or unplugged, it releases horrid noise way worse than a thump.  I was always careful but we had some sort of power glitch and the preamp went off while the power amp still had some current, and it blew a tweeter in my Magnepans.  

The problem was the power glitch, but actually a malfunction of a Monster power conditioner I was using.  That sucker was retired quickly.  

None of my other preamps do this. My Proceed power amp thumps when I turn it off, but only when connected to my BAT tube preamp.  Otherwise quite as can be.