Why my left speaker sounds louder then my right

My left speaker sound louder and more dynamic then my right one. I can't figure out if it's my amp, speakers or interconnects. I have moved everything around and still can't figure it out.

I would appreciate some help?


Tom McGrath
+1 for the likelihood of an asymmetrical setup and different first reflection path lengths for each speaker. Try increasing the toe in of the speakers at least temporarily to help reduce the amount of 1st side wall reflections. If more toe in = less difference between the speakers then consider room acoustical treatments or repositioning of speakers, or chair or both.

Have you measured the output up close to each speaker to see if they are outputting the same decibels?
Easy enough to check if it's your hearing. No hearing specialist required. Simply wait until you notice an obvious bias for your left speaker. Then turn around with your back to the speakers. If the bias is now on the other speaker, it's your hearing, if not, it's your room or equipment.
I do have hearing loss in my right ear. I just move the balance control to favor the right side and things now sound normal.
I've always wondered how one moves the balance control to the right on live music and sounds.... ;-)
another vote for a hearing test. the downside: you'll be shocked what good hearing aids cost.
I agree with Marco1, I am experiencing the same thing currently in my setup, and I do have hearing loss in my right ear. I just move the balance control to favor the right side and things now sound normal.
It would be helpful to know more about your system. Whether you are using tubes or solid state. Also, what speakers you have and whether they are biwired. First you can try selecting mono and listen for an imbalance. In mono the sound should be in the center between the speakers. You can also set both speakers side by side in the center of the room. Using the balance control in mono compare the left and right speakers.
Check the (balanced/unbalanced) switch in the back of your amplifier and be sure each channel is set to the same setting.
If you have a switch on a component that inverts the phase independently for each channel, make sure they are the same.
Don't torture yourself until you're sure it's not your hearing. I had a very similar problem. It was my hearing.
Make sure all your cables are clean at connection points and connected properly. Make sure your left and right speakers are identical to listening position!!! Make sure if you have tubes that all pins are clean. Please post up if you discover the problem. Good Luck.
If you reverse the speakers, reverse the amp outputs, reverse all the signal leads and cables and nothing changes it is the room. I once sold a high end system to someone who intended to put it into a room with one speaker next to a glass wall. He had other rooms I suggested he use but he wanted that one. Shortly after installation I got a call saying the speakers were diffferent; I went over and reversed the B&W 801s he was using; he could have done this himself as they were on wheels. The sound stayed the same with the other speaker so it was the room.
There's a good chance that the difference you hear is caused by asymmetry in the room acoustics and not the electronics or speakers. In a good setup, a mono source should appear as a phantom image in between the two speakers.

The way to check that is to switch the left speaker to the right and see if the situation reverses. You can narrow things down by switching L/R on the source, then the preamp, then the amp as well as at the speakers.

If room acoustics, you can experiment with speaker placement and room treatment.