Why high-end cable manufacturers don't post measurements?

I'd like to get your take on why high-end manufacturers don't post measurements? would you like to see how a cable measure before ....does it matter to you?

Showing 4 responses by millercarbon

That's because for some unfathomable reason so many audiophiles insist on talking about specs and design and marketing malarkey, pretty much everything except for the only thing that matters, which is how they sound. All anyone has to do to find exceptionally good cables is focus on listener impressions. The Synergistic CTS and Atmosphere wire in my system is truly remarkable, and well worth the money. Worth as much as the speakers, at least based on their improving the sound quality just as much. If people aren't having this experience with cables, or threads about cables, its only because they're doing it all wrong.
I know music is AC. Those who claimed that their cables are directional don't! What a shame...

Oopsie! How's that old saw go again? When you assume you make an ass out of yourself? Something like that. 

AC stands for Alternating Current. AC does not stand for Going Nowhere. In that case it would be GN. In order for work to be done something must move and flow somewhere. Water over a turbine, gas through an engine. Electric charges through a wire. 

Think about it. There has to be flow. But even in your imaginary world where there is no flow, there still has to be movement through your AC cycle. Whether you imagine the cycle starting from zero and going negative, or positive, the fact of the matter is it must start off going one way or the other or else where is it going to reverse and go the other way from? 

This way that it starts off, whichever way it is, one thing for sure, its in a direction. One or the other. You do not get to have your electrons and eat them too. They must go somewhere. 

Now here's another one. Ever notice how speakers have this unfortunate habit of burning out when played too loud? How's that happen, then? In your view where the current goes nowhere, where's the energy come from? If there's energy in the form of heat in the driver it had to come from somewhere. If so then how did it get there? From which direction did it come? 

It came from the amp. Where did it go? Well the speaker wasn't hot and now it is so odds are it went from the amp to the speaker. 

How much more evidence can we find to demonstrate the fact of direction? Here's another one! On both the amp and the AC receptacle, the power comes out of two wires, right? Wrong! The power comes out of one wire. It just doesn't seem that way because no power ever goes anywhere without completing a circuit. A circuit by the way is a path for the electrical energy to complete on its journey to ground. It can be through an amp, a speaker, or you. Electrons do not care. But they refuse to do a darn thing until that circuit is there. Once it is, watch out! 

So now if you think there's no direction try this one. Stick your wet finger in a light socket. What you will find, you can touch the outside bit where the bulb screws in all day long and nothing happens. Why? Isn't is AC? Shouldn't you get a shock either way? No! Because the electrons do not flow from that one. Because they do have direction after all you will only get shocked touching the one at the bottom. Electricians by convention (something they all agree to) use black for hot, the one from which electrons flow, and white for neutral, the direction they take on their journey back to ground. 

I've tried to keep this tech talk low key and easy to understand. Not that it really matters. Anyone can hook up a wire, listen, swap ends and listen again. You've done that, right? You didn't just assume, did you? 

Did you??!
Say, which direction is the hydro dam from your house? Do you power the dam? Or does the dam power your house? So which direction ... aww nevermind. 

This whole thread is fake and based on a total misrepresentation and false premise. Every speaker cable manufacturer publishes their cable measurements. Otherwise, how would you know if you were buying 8 feet or only 6?
The don’t show measurements in many cases Because they haven’t devised measurements that can show the differences that we can hear. Most manufacturers state that they won’t post details of their cables because they don’t want their competitors to know. Same reason KFC do’s this post their 11 secret spices.

^^ This!
Audiophiles (correction- measurebators- see below) doggedly cling to the measurement mantra. Audio measurements are about as meaningful as megapixels in cameras. https://www.kenrockwell.com/tech/mpmyth.htm

Measurements are really only meaningful in a very detached and technical sense and even then really only useful when it comes to design. Its like, in order to build a speaker you need to understand a whole bunch of technical aspects of drivers, ports, cabinets. But these things all go together, every one impacts every other one, and so ultimately its down to the imagination and creativity of the designer to come up with the right mix of tradeoffs that sound good.

But at the same time if a manufacturer did list a spreadsheet full of measurements this would be like an open invitation to others to try and reverse engineer and copy, cheating them of all their hard work.

Its actually good they don’t list this stuff. The less they measure the more we have to listen. Which is what we should be doing in the first place.

lol! If you think measurements matter don’t read this! https://www.kenrockwell.com/tech/7.htm
"Many of them also play with audio equipment " ROTFLMAO!