Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?

Many of you ask others to advise you, but the answer to so many questions is system dependent.  Why don’t you post your system on your profile prior to requesting help?


I forgot to say that because as you said you are a part-timer here , you dont know that Audiogon is ALREADY an high end site covering all aspects of the experience , then nobody need  your opinion about what Audiogon must be , because reading your simplistic description , Audiogon is already that and more...

 What we need is posters who think before whining about someone or about this site... We dont need your feelings about my arguments, we need your arguments  about any posts, and nobody in audiogon will ask you how to transform audiogon in an high end site... it could be news to you, but audiogon is already one high end site..


I'm a part timer here as well mainly because of some of the posts like the 2 above and others wanting to know what is the best sounding speaker. Of course the post will receive tens/hundreds of replies all indicating that their speakers are the best which more confuses the OP.

For example, What a more high end site would be discussing are the values of:

I don’t care if you live in your mom’s basement  ... If you’re too ashamed, or too stupid (technically ignorant?), or whatever your lame excuse is to post your system on here, then I really have no need for you to chime in when I have a question or ask for an opinion on mine.

You'll have to accept that we don't need your permission to post here, even if it's response to your question or opinion. Also, it's likely that none of us care if you live in your mom's basement.

I can’t imagine why someone would be vested in understanding the”sum of my (your) experience”.

Thanks for lending credence to my comment that information on your system is worthless. 

Adults trust adults on their words...

So useful or meaningful photos of a system could be, we are supposed to be friendly and polite..

I dont understand the bullying and blackmail and threats to anybody...

Why ?

Because it is evident people proud of their audio system will put it here in image anyway ...

Some prefer discretion because their own average system is not in a so beautiful room...That means nothing about their life experience...Some had very beatiful room and system and dont want to put it here... They are free and i will listen and speak to them anyway...

My first system photos here were with average components in a completely "crazy/" homemade laboratory acoustic room... I learned acoustic with one year full time experiments each day...

I am confident in myself and for the sake and motivation of others who dont own costly system , i posted mine, so ridiculous it appear to be for the eyes here... The title of my virtual system page is " top audiophile experience for the non wealthy "

Most commentaries i received even by private emails were sarcasms by idiots...

Now my system had improved esthetically 😊 because i did no more own a dedicated acoustic room but headphone... I posted images of my three components... I am proud not of my components so much, but about the way i optimized them MYSELF to reach a TOP soundfield at peanuts costs... but it cannot be seen in an image..

I dont judge people on their virtual system image or not...

i will read any good faith poster, and i am here to discuss with "friends" not only about specific audio questions but more general one about music and sound...

My main interest now is no more improving my system , it is done to my utmost satisfaction... My main interest is about the question : what is sound ? What is hearing a sound ?

I dont appreciate "totalitarian" demands for images and blackmailing people insinuating they are not worthy of trust because they dont put their room in display...


I dont like those who despise other people for this reason...

Trust, respect, fair discussions matter more than image of your supposed "competency" because you own a 50,000 bucks system...

I smile at this "naiveté"... Audio is about acoustic not about gear cost or appearance... And by the way acoustic did not reduce to costly panels on a wall... I learned this in my experiments.. And photos dont tell this story at all ...

By the way the OP question is a legitimate interesting question...

We are free to answer it or not...



«Some are so proud to have quit their mother basement even thirty years after the fact that they cannot resist to post images to prove it» Anonymus audiogon poster 😁

«Our mother womb is the best dedicated acoustic room » -- Groucho Marx 🤓

I am not even able to look at anyone's virtual system let alone post my system if I so desired. 

Keep getting an error page, Oh no 500!