Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?

Many of you ask others to advise you, but the answer to so many questions is system dependent.  Why don’t you post your system on your profile prior to requesting help?


Showing 7 responses by cleeds


... No need to come from a dictatorship to fear the censorship and sheep brain working...

This is just an audio forum. You're safe here.


... the comment policing here is childish at best, terrifying at worst ...

Really? You’re actually terrified at the way this forum is managed? That’s difficult to comprehend.

This is an audio forum - no more, no less. Don't lose perspective.

It does NOT function satifacorily, if you botherd to read all the many comments to the contrary.

I said it functions satisfactorily for me. I understand you don't think it functions satisfactorily for you, but that's just your opinion.

You, like the mods on this site, have your head(s) firmly in the sand.

Sometimes, people's opinions will differ from yours. That doesn't mean that they don't see the facts, or that you don't see the facts. It's how opinions work.

why can't they fix it? Heads in the sand, that's why.

The "heads in the sand" gag is an ad hominem logical fallacy. That doesn't help your argument.

The same goes for adding ones system. Why on Earth is it hidden?

It isn't hidden. Plenty of people seem to find it without any issue at all. That there's something that isn't where you think it should be doesn't mean it's "hidden."

I guess you guys have never seen a user-friendly website designed in this century that wasn't a giant pain to use ... Way to lower the already ridiculously low standards here.

Overall, I'd say this site functions satisfactorily and the standards on this site are just fine. Yes, there are always a a few who abuse this free site, but they usually don't last long. If you have issues with the site's functions or standards, why  not take your complaint to the moderators? They are typically quite responsive.


I don’t care if you live in your mom’s basement  ... If you’re too ashamed, or too stupid (technically ignorant?), or whatever your lame excuse is to post your system on here, then I really have no need for you to chime in when I have a question or ask for an opinion on mine.

You'll have to accept that we don't need your permission to post here, even if it's response to your question or opinion. Also, it's likely that none of us care if you live in your mom's basement.

This has been a most useful thread. It contains all the information anyone would need to understand why some A’gon users would never post their systems here.

There are some pics of my system on The Friendly Forum For High-End Audio.