Why Do ~You~ Still Play CDs?

I'm curious why you still play CDs in the age of streaming. I recently got back into CD listening and I'm curious if your reasons align with mine, which are:

  • Enjoying the physical medium—the tactile nature of the case, the disc, the booklet, etc.
  • Forcing myself to actually listen to an album, versus being easily distracted by an algorithm, or "what's next" in my playlist.
  • Actually owning the music I purchase, versus being stuck with yet another monthly subscription.



Agree with all you wrote. And as an audiophile almost 6 decades I won thousands of CDs and LPs and I'm just used to playing physical formats; the physical sources feel more real.

 I still play CD and vinyl.   I have music bought years ago and never opened that I will play some day. I have zero interest in streaming.  I listen to FM stereo daily, there are still 2 good Rock stations  in my area. I will never stream, I have too much unplayed physical media.  

I agree with @soix , since my streaming set up has eclipsed the sound quality of my CD playback set up I don't listen to them much anymore. Only if i can't find it or i just feel like spinning a CD.

Bought and paid for. 

Great sound quality. 

Love the inspection process ensuring the disc is clean. 

Kept as a storage in case of computer failure.