Why do we stop listening to new music as we get older?

Hello all,

Sometimes I find myself wondering why there is so little newer music in my library. Now, before you start in with rants about "New music is terrible!", I found this rather interesting article on the topic. (SFW)


With the maturing of streaming as a music delivery platform, and the ease of being able to surf new artists and music, it might be time to break my old listening habits and find some newer artists.

Happy listening. 



The music I listen to is reflecting the mental place I‘m in, mostly. At some point high-energy music for venting feelings was what I needed. I experience much less need to delve into - for example - frustration and sadness nowadays. Now the music is more open and outgoing or calmer and relaxed. Styles come second so to speak. This change is gradual and I‘m not sure what will be next but it definitely and naturally keeps me looking for music I don‘t know, mostly new.

Having said that, there are also bands whose output I‘ll keep following and sometimes I go back to comfort food good old music. That‘s when I go looking for more of the same I already know and end up buying „Mad Dogs and Englishmen“ or the n-th Elvis live record because I like the sound of a big band with background singers from the early 70s.


Modern music is rubbish compared with yore

Some chap analysed it and found it was repetative, more simple and less of everything

I am at a renaissance of discovering new music. I have started picking  up CDs at the library and CDs at Goodwill.And, I just yesterday reached out to an old friend to ask if he had any musical artists he could recommend.I have also recently subscribed to Apple Music and Tidal.

I am listening to about 10 new CDs a week at this point.I found that some artists that I liked in the past, I do not enjoy anymore. I found some Nora Jones CDs that are fabulous. I had never listened to her before. And, I found one of hers that was a dud.

One source that I haven't plumbed yet is https://www.npr.org/series/tiny-desk-concerts/

happy listening!

When the year changed from 1979 to 1980 the music died for some reason or the other (maybe a time warp). Having said that, there are some good female Jazz singers that manage to slip through every now and then.

I have always said you are only as old as your music. A lot of my friends and family are attracted to what they heard while going to school and don’t progress from. For myself, I am constantly searching for new music even though I am now in my seventies. There is a lot of good music coming out everyday.