Why do folks spend more on electronics than on speakers?

Hello, just curious on this subject. I have seen threads where folks ask for advice on how to allocate their budget and this topic comes up. I also see systems posted on various forums where folks have $10K-$20K in gear driving $2K-$5K in speakers and wonder why. I have traditionally been a speakers first person as that is where I have noticed the greatest differences. For those that allocate more on gear vs speakers what are your reasons? No judgement, I am just interested in hearing another point of view.


Showing 1 response by petaluman

@rossb, what speakers do you have?

Interesting discussion. I do think the speakers deserve the largest share of the $ spent. However, I think we can all agree that it is also the least predictable component to upgrade. With electronics, it’s fairly easy to spend more, get more unless you make a fairly radical change.

With speakers, even upgrading within a speaker line will not always result in better sound. They’ can also be the hardest & most expensive to resell, due to shipping. If you really like the sound you’re getting, I can see why you might hang on to the speakers & spend your money elsewhere.