whole house surge protector

Hi all-

I'm having some electrical work done on my house and my electrician is recommending that he install a whole house surge protector on the electrical panel.  This seems like a good idea, but I am wondering if I will experience any negative effects in terms of sound quality on my stereo system?  (I do currently have my audio system on a dedicated line.)



Showing 3 responses by erik_squires

  • they have to be in the very first position
    • i.e. right beside the the panel main breaker switch
    • so you might have to move some wirs


The difference between the first and last position in terms of propogation of voltage is really very small. The speed of electricity assuming a 2' long back plane means that a surge propogates in about 2 nanoseconds. MOV’s typically have response times around 100 nanoseconds.

So, sure, put it at the top if you can, but practically speaking it’s about he same in either location.

Let your electrician install it if he's already in there.  I prefer the kind that are in the breakers, and have an alarm to let you know they're spent.

Your electrician is correct. You 100% need to do this.  No there are no negatives.

The updated 2020 version of the National Electric Code requires whole house surge suppressors.  Keep in mind that they also recommend you use surge suppressors at the point of use for sensitive electronics (i.e. anything more delicate than your stove or dryer).

The house suppressors clamp high, from around 400V, while Furman or TrippLite have models that clamp < 200V.