With my Martin Logan CLSs and now CLXs, I prefer no toe-in. A couple of things though that others might find helpful:
1. I have no toe-in, but frequency balance and imaging is also affected by lateral distance between the speakers and distance you sit from them. I like to be in an equilateral triangle, or closer. I more back and forth until in what I describe as a sonic "bubble" that forms a time machine that takes me to the time and place of the recording. For me, too close or too far collapses the bubble.
2. I use precision tools to help make sure the speakers are set up as well as possible, and record the measurements, for dialing in, or re-setting the system in case it is moved. I use a Leica Distro digital tape measure for horizontal measurements, and a Swanson Tool Co SVT200 9 Inch Digital Torpedo Level that is accurate to 0.1%. The later is used to ensure the speakers are both tilted exactly the same.