This isn't a purchased cable per se, but because it was an inexpensive experiment, so I gave it a go. This was to connect Maggie MMGs to a modded Hafler DH 220.
While not the end all be all by any stretch, I was fairly blown away by the sound this DIY speaker cable produced. I'm certain it would be pooh-pooh'd by many, but hey. So what. I believe my seasoned, trained ears. I was also able to find a cord with a white sheath, so that made it somewhat attractive as well.
I'm not currently using the ones I made, as I stuck in a beefier amp so came up with some new cable, but was looking at them the other day and was considering swapping them in for the single-conductor 12-gauge wire I'm using right now (to good effect, I might add) just to see how they measure up.