Who is ditching their shiny disc spinners?

I want to upgrade my digital side … (currently Bluesound Vault 2i feeding the DAC of Oppo 105) … plan to spend around $2k … since I’ve ripped all my CDs to the Vault, thinking of spending it all on a DAC, and retire/sell the Oppo while it still has some value. I do have a few older CDPs I could retain as backup, but not sure why I would ever need.

Alternatively, was considering a better combined CDP/DAC like a newer Marantz or Yamaha … upgrades DAC performance some, and a reliable spinner for quite a few more years … but I have very few SACDs, so feeling like this would be the tail wagging the dog.

In what direction have you been migrating?

Showing 2 responses by artemus_5

If you are renting your music from Qubuz, etc @ $20 mo.(for now) then streaming MAY be the better route with a good dac. However, IME playing your own music from a HD is ripe with problem usually due to network and software issues.
I have 200mbps internet connection, top tier router, 3 Ter. HD with at least 1 Ter, of FLAC & WAV files, & new computer. I bought my 1st com,puter in 1991 and my 1st stereo 50 yrs ago. Still, I've had nothing but trouble.. So a $2K streamer/Dac has sat idle for 2 mos. due to frustration.
Thankfully I have a Theta Miles CDP which sounds excellent. Plus vinyl. I'm ready to try some more software for the streamer soon. 

Thanks @cleeds 
I assume this is HD FLAC streaming?
Still I have plenty of music on the HD. I'll get the streamer working but its frustrated me to the point that I had to walk away for a while.