I, too, resoundly agreee with Natalie. I like the roof analogy he used. Stands were mentioned, and I know, from experience, and the science of resonance transference, how critical the stands are. Infact, they are as important as any of the other components in your system. Poor stands have a deleterious affect on your music, that many times is attributed to other components. It not until you have killer stands that you truly hear the difference. This is what has happened to me. I own, now, a speaker support system by Star Sound Technologies (Audiopoints). You've heard of Nordost Valhalla cables? These are the equivalent in the speaker stand arena. I'm going to do a review, soon, because I am so truly amazed what they are doing for my system. They are based on a completely differenct science than all the other stands out there. I know this is hard to believe, but the stands you all know and love, (I won't mention any names) are doing, regardless of how costly, more to degrade your music. Cosmetics seem to be the most important thing to many manufacturers, with dampening as their main goal. Star Sound Technologies believes that vibrations are good. Music is a vibration. Just give these resonances a place to go. Cosmetically, by the way: Beautiful. Like nothing you have ever seen. This is cutting edge stuff and truly remarkable. Stay tuned. I'm not a shill for Star Sound, just a very happy audiophool, who wants to spread the word about something cutting edge.