Which format to use - mp3 vs. windows lossless,

This has probably been covered before, but as a new fan of the Gon, I'll try to be concise. I have downloaded my music in mp3 format in the past. I decided to try Window's lossless format.
The same song in mp3 was recorded at 320 kbps and 12.56MB file size. In lossless it is 470 to 940 variable bits and 36.9MB.
I thought there would be a noticeable improvement, but it was only marginal. My question is going forward, which format should I use for the best fidelity. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by sfar

I don't know if there's an equivalent plug-in for iTunes on the PC but there's a free downloadable Applescript for the Mac called "Lossless to AAC Workflow" on dougsscipts.com that will convert Apple Lossless files on the fly for download to the iPod. Makes things a little less complicated if you want to keep only one, lossless library, but the synchronization takes more time.