Where were your audio components designed/engineered?

Just interested in which country was your gear designed (not manufactured). It might be fun to see where we are from and which companies have influenced our wallets and our audio tastes the most??

My gear-
Amp/preamp - Parasound - Canada
Integrated amp - Line Magnetic Audio - China
Speakers - Magnepan - USA
Speakers (2nd system) - Vandersteen - USA
DAC - Benchmark Media - USA
DAC (2nd system) - Shiit Audio - USA
CD player - Sony - Japan
CD player (2nd system) - Rega - United Kingdom
Streamer/DAC - Bluesound - USA
Digital Storage - Western Digital - USA
Interconnects/ cables - Blue Jeans - Signal Cables - Analysis Plus - USA

Your audio gear?


Showing 1 response by glennewdick

Integrated amp; Finale Audio,  Canada

Speakers; Living Voice,  UK

Tone arm; Jelco, Japan

Cart; VDH; Netherlands

Phono stages x2;  custom,  Canada, second IFI iphono 2 designed UK Assembly China.

multi disc player; Sony  Japan? maybe China or SK?


cables are mix;  Siltec  USA and Audionote  UK.

Tuner Sansui;   Japan