Where to get GNSC mod CD player repaired

I have a Wadia 581 modified by GNSC that requires to replace the CD transport (I guess), does anyone know who can do the work?

Thanks a lots

didnt the founder of GNSC join another major audio company? I think if you google his name, you will find it. Good luck.
From Resolution Audio Website...do not know if it is still current information. Good luck.

Steve Huntley joins Resolution Audio as Sales and Marketing Director

18 Nov. 2010

Resolution Audio is very pleased to announce that Steve Huntley has joined us as Sales and Marketing Director.

Steve has contributed to the high-end audio industry for almost 25 years in his work at Audio Research Corporation, California Audio Labs, Wadia Digital, and currently as president and founder of Great Northern Sound Company. Steve's love of music, thorough knowledge of audio electronics, long experience in the audio business, and well-known respect and passion for Resolution Audio products make Steve a great addition.

Steve will contribute to Resolution Audio day to day operations in many ways especially in customer support and in developing our dealer/distributor network. We welcome Steve as he opens new possibilities for Resolution Audio while maintaining his long-established business, Great Northern Sound Company.
Hi Everyone,

Steve no longer does any repairs or support of GNSC modded units. That business closed and Steve is not able to make himself available for support and repairs. When GNSC closed, he did provide a link to some technicians he recommended for repairs though. Hope this is helpful:

Gary Garfield of Musical Fidelity (not the equipment manufacturer)
ARC repair expert and service center for many high quality audio brands
5183 Overland Ave # D
Culver City, CA 90230
(310) 558-0037

Ben Jacoby of Hi-End Audio Repair
ARC repair center and good with all sorts of other gear including digital gear
Brooklyn, NY

Nick Gowan of True Sound
Excellent knowledge of hi-end gear and digital in particular
136 Kennedy Avenue
Campbell, CA 95008 Tel 408/370-7578

Really a shame that GNSC went out of business. They did some great stuff. I have several pieces and have enjoyed them very much.
GNSC officially closed shop and Steve is continuing his work with Resolution Audio. You might try contacting there and see if he might be of assistance.
Before Steve closed shop, he left a post on his site. He left the name of 3 techs.
Gary Garfield, Musical Fidelity 310-558-0037 for ARC repair.
Ben Jacoby, Hi End Audio Repair 718-377-8010 for ARC & other digital gear.
Nick Gowan, True Sound 408-370-7578 digital gear.
I would send it to Wadia. I don't see why they would not replace the transport if this is what is defective. I would call Wadia.
Good luck.
thank you all very much, I did call Wadia 3 times and left voice mail, no one replied so far.

I will try the True Sound first and later post the result.
I can repair the unit contact me at vujadeaudio@optimum.net

I am in New Jersey.
Who repaired your CD player? How was it turn out? I have an issue on my Wadia 781i Cd player. I contacted Wadia. It came to my huge upset that Wadia simply emailed me to say Wadia could not offer the repair as the vendor of the CD mechanism on longer supplied the parts to Wadia. I have a huge problem with repair. I'd like to know who will be able to do the repair. Thanks.

did you get the player fixed? Whom did the repair?
What was the issue? Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Just received my Resolution Audio Opus 21 modded player back from Steve. He replaced the laser. Not sure if it was because it was an RA product and he now works for them, but worth an email.
Can't hurt to try.
Thanks! for sharing- Brrgrr -

we need more modders to fix the wonderful gear (especially cd/dvd spinners) out there. Newer product does not always equal better performance. A simple part here or a simple tweak there and it is like new.

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!