Where is best place to sell vintage WiFi?

My husband has recently died and I’d like to sell his collection of vintage McIntosh, Denon and Klipsch collection. Suggestions would be helpful. Thanks! 
PS I’m in NC. 


I'm sorry for you loss. 

The Music Room aka TMRAudio is a secure way of selling with the least amount of trouble, involvement and risk.

Raysmtb1, didn't you intend to type 3-4 weeks?

I'm sorry for your loss.  May I ask what part of NC?  I live in Winston-Salem.

Audiogon is great, and well worth the modest cost.  You tend to get more qualified reponses.  It's definitely more suited to higher end audio than to mainstream level gear. 

I've had some success with Marketplace, but the noise level is high.   Prepare to get a bunch of messages with the default, "Is this available".  Clearly, these are from rocket scientists.  

USAM is a pretty good option as long as you're willing to ship to Canada.  Yes, even on the US version, this is most of your audience.  




you said:

To find out what the equipment is worth look at the sold listings on hifishark.com/

Can you see what they really sold for?  Or, just the asking price?