Whats on your turntable tonight?

For me its the first or very early LP's of:
Allman Brothers - "Allman Joys" "Idyllwild South"
Santana - "Santana" 200 g reissue
Emerson Lake and Palmer - "Emerson Lake and Palmer"
Beethoven - "Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Major" Rudolph Serkin/Ozawa/BSO

Yea, it’s been a while. I’m enjoying it, cranked up! And I’m not even doing acid ;-) ‘Sweet Sixteen’ is just a gem.

This album was really recorded and mastered well.
I'm a fan of most of the GD's (the band as well as the individuals) music... even though I stopped doing acid years ago (LOL) 

Tanakh / Villa Claustrophobia 

...it’s easy to think
You could never hurt anyone
But what if they can’t make that promise
@Bkeske,  +1 on Burgers. 
Second cut on side two, Water Song, has been one of the favorite things in my life.  The sound of the guitars, the musicianship, the elemental melody -  as right and necessary as water. 
Another aspect of that record that maybe gets missed as a minor detail Is the tone of the electric bass.  Don’t know how they did it (maybe a unique amp) but it’s awesome.  

Agree with Water Song, one of my favorite tracks on that album. 
As The Airplane went on, I have to say I was more attracted to what Jorma and Jack were doing with Hot Tuna vs Airplane at the time. And Papa John on their albums was awesome and just ‘fit’ better. He was one of my favorites at the time.

My copy has some wear, (not too bad though), and I’ve always thought of replacing it, but sometimes, with albums, those imperfections bring back good memories of the days it was spinning on my TT regularly with my buddies. This is one of those.
+++ Hot Tuna

James- the Crosby backing is subtle, I was on it full Jason

but as BB says

” only my mama loves me and she could be jiiving too”

Yeah, they lost me at starship….  but Hot Tuna, oh yeah.  

know what you mean about the imperfections - they are part of listening memory - until more recently (mostly since coming under the bad influence of the record fanatics on this thread….) I could count on one hand the number of original and period vinyl records I’d replaced with new and improved reissues.  I love my old records.  I am amazed at how most have stayed really quite clear of serious damage.  I mean, I have a few records that I’ve played at least 300 times that are just fine.   I can only think of three that I’ve simply worn out and had to replace, Montrose I, Camel - The Snow Goose, and Pat Metheny - First Circle.  Worn down and maybe dinged up from when I used to tote them around proselytizing the music.   There are a few on the shelf like Aerosmith - Get Your Wings that are completely thrashed from hundreds of plays during school days that are, well I still like them, but they're maybe not worth replacing.  

I’m probably not a very pure or true audiophile.  I don’t even have a fancy pressing of Dark Side of the Moon.   I like my old one.

When filling in pre-CD era stuff that I’m missing I sometimes go for the audiophile grade reissue.  Mixed results on that though.   I suppose part of record collecting is or should be learning which labels put out vinyl with SQ that stands the test of time and knowing which new and re-issue producers make replacing records worthwhile.  Before now I haven’t had the bandwidth for that.  Learning more about it now though.  

Hey, and thanks for the direction on the few classical records we’ve discussed lately.  I sure need and appreciate that kind of help.  Hope it can continue.

Enjoy your day of listening.

- James

@tomic601 , you must then have a voice.  Nice.

Isbell show (and the rescheduled date) one of the dozen or so cancelled tickets I had.  Cryin’ shame.

Grateful for this album though.  I suppose it’s fairly popular but doesn’t it seem like at the same time it’s brave personal expression and communication coming through.  Already composed fan letters to him/them in my head about the record but probably won’t send anything because he doesn’t need that.  Not from me anyway.  Haven’t done that kind of thing since “King of America” came out.

Hot Tuna


I concur about ‘worn’ or well used albums. Heck, I will still play my Meet The Beatles bought by my parents when it first came out. We kids just trashed that album, but ya know what? It still sounds pretty good, and all those imperfections bring back memories.

Hey, and thanks for the direction on the few classical records we’ve discussed lately. I sure need and appreciate that kind of help. Hope it can continue.

Be more than happy when I can. To be honest I’ve only really dived into classical seriously over the last three to four years, and finding it most satisfying and my collection has grown incredibly in a very short time. But, I have so much more to learn. People that have been into classical for lots of years know so much more more about the nuances, and how the interpretations have changed over the years. More than anything, it was probably my interest in Jazz that got me more interested in classical, especially The Modern Jazz Quartet.

I never really understood classical in terms of, OK, there are these ‘handful’ of composers, and you have hundreds of orchestras playing the same thing over and over for decades. How could that possibly be interesting? Well, I have realized it can indeed be incredibly interesting, and now have many many different recordings (and many composers I had no knowledge of) of the same compositions, and find it incredibly interesting to hear the differences; How it was conducted, played, live vs not, the various periods that were created over history, etc. But most importantly I love the music, the instrumentation, the sound, and the history behind the symphonies, the conductors, and most importantly the composers. It’s quite fascinating.

BTW, I haven’t received it yet, but you got me to buy a vinyl version of Beethoven’s piano concerto #5 for myself (As I had no copy). Arthur Rubinstein with the Boston Orchestra recorded in 1964. And ya know, it probably won’t be my last version of it either.

+1 on Federale.  I think I posted that I saw them here in our mutual home town of Portland, I think it was early winter.   Had a ticket to another show that was cancelled.  I hope they regain their traction soon.  Such a unique and great band.

Uriah Heep taking themselves seriously, can’t recommend it unless you’re in want of a good snicker….

Picture an audience (in the round) comprised of former mulletheads (some still sporting ‘em) tearing up and singing along with the lyrics to The Wizard all with orchestral accompaniment.  Got this because of the Ian Anderson connection (Circus is pretty nice actually) but it’s really ridiculous.

I guess I am one of those Heep die-hards, 😉😉.
I quite like the acoustically driven album..

But right now.

Avalon by Roxy Music.

After a good clean and resolder of my tonearm cable from last night's debacle.
Uber it happens... when I first got the RM-9 I plugged it in with a set of 3m beater Audioquest I use as loaners - hum in both channels... argh... cables returned w busted grounds... but man was I frazzelated for a bit...
James - my singing voice is right on par with my skill as a bassist- everything I do sounds letter in the shower and the elevator...
BK - I have a sticker on an album w your name on it also :-) disc #2 waiting on a good cleaning


"Full Circle and Then Some" is going in the Vibrato. "S/T", closing in on it's time in the ORB. Will report after a while.
Yes I was tearing what's left of my hair out when I should have just stepped back and thought about it logically.
Tbh the solder job in the 5 pin din socket was pretty shabby all over once I looked into it.
All is grand now though!
Even the shower was not enough to help my singing voice ☹️☹️

Be very interested in your thoughts on it as I was very impressed.
However if I buy it I might just have to have them ship to you so you can flatten it!

That's why I sent a couple of interconnects w/ my arm to Tim. I didn't want to be in the same situation. He just charges $10  a pair labor.
OK I got the RM-9 back with the low noise 6922, Super low Noise front end 6922 and EL 34 all matched by RAM and properly biased out .... and HOLY !!!!!!

Jason Isbell and The 400 Unit - Reunions 

this is a really fine disc :-)

and James I agree, Jason has been taking a similar stand on Twitter a fan said “ you are going to lose Some customers, Jason replied “ but I get to Keep my whole soul”...
Good thinking Slaw!
Trigger Hippy S/T.

Plays much better when it's flat!
@slaw isn’t that guy super reasonable $$$ I am going to send him more work
@tomic601, bdp24 = bdp is black diamond pearl, my fave vintage drum "wrap" (plastic veneer on the outside of the drum shells), 24 is my preferred bass drum diameter in inches.
@bdp24 aint no way she is going to hear any of that, she just thinks I am crazy...
The guitar and drums on this recording sound fantastic.  I can hear the indentation and return on the tom membranes as the tip of Gorman‘s drumstick hits them.  This rocks.  
Really!?!   Ok I understand why I’ve never heard this but I don’t think I’ve seen anybody post about this band until just recently.   Thanks gentlemen.  Ordering both now.  
I only " discovered" them about 3 months ago and unfortunately my copy was warped.
Slaw kindly made it not warped for me!
And in the meantime I streamed Full Circle and Slaw bought both!
The very nice post lady just dropped off a present for me.

Grateful Dead S/T 180g mono reissue.

Will be up next!