Whats a good Integrated with a good phono section

my Son wants to get into vinyl and is looking for a good integrated amp with a good phono section.  his budget is probably up to $1200.  thanks for any info.
czarivey: "Restored Accuphase E202 has great phono section MM/MC sells at around the price range you’re requesting."

Great recommendation. Onkyo A-10 is close sonically at a much lower price, but the Accuphase is superior due to its loading flexibility.

How does something by Audio Note UK strike you:

Alternatively, get him something like this Naim, and a separate phono section. I'm not sure how old your son is, but if he's anything like mine, and his friends, they want all the digital, computer, and streaming possibilities as well as vinyl. This Naim with a separate phono will get him all that: http://www.usaudiomart.com/details/649304981-naim-unitiqute-2/
A separate phono stage will sound better than 95% of built in phono stages.
my Son wants to get into vinyl and is looking for a good integrated amp with a good phono section.  his budget is probably up to $1200.
An amp should really be chosen first by its ability to drive a pair of speakers.  Not by what phono stage it has.  What good would a killer built-in phono stage be if the rest of the integrated amp could not properly drive his speakers?  

So what kind of speakers does he have?   

Concentrate on powering the speakers first and then worry about the phono stage.  Besides, a  phono stage is just a feature and there are plenty of entry level external phono stages that would far outperform built-ins found in a $1200 integrated anyway. 

Arcam is good, but for some models the phono card is optional. I had an Arcam Alpha 10 and loved it. I now have a Rega Elicit-R and it is fantastic, but a few hundred dollars over the $1200 max budget.
Restored Accuphase E202 has great phono section MM/MC sells at around the price range you're requesting.
A head turner as well!

A bit over his budget. Ask them for a discount of 10% and they most likely give it to you! There are a few used ones listed here for under $900.