What would it take to our do my Audio Research PH3se.

First off I messed up on the title. Don’t know how to change it. Sorry. 
I love my ARC PH3se. I also have a Parasound JC3+ on another system. Both are good. But if I had to keep one it probably be the ARC.

That being said, it’s getting old, no it is old, and one day it may (will) go to the great audio heaven (assuming I don’t just repair it) in the sky.

assuming I wanted to buy new, what is the minimum I would have to buy to meet or exceed what I have if I wanted the same sound.
I have a few. But right now im using a Soundsmith Carmen II. On a VPI Prime. 
I also have a Technics 1200 GR with a Glans MFG 610.
You know it’s interesting you say that. A month or two ago I bought myself a used Herron VTSP-1A Pre-Amplifier, And I use it in my secondary system with an audio research CL60 amp and the parasound JC 3+  
That old Heron is spectacular even for its age.
I had my PH3SE since about '93 until the end of '18 when I sold it for the Herron VTPH2A. The Herron is not merely better, it is in a whole other realm. The ARC is indeed a fine phono stage. I spent a lot of time doing home auditions with a lot of contenders some even much more expensive and the ARC was easily the best of them all. Even so the Herron made it seem colored, closed in, flat and lifeless. It is not just a little better. It is crazy unbelievably better. 

Take everything you like about the ARC, imagine it being just like that only a whole lot better, and then on top of that its even better in ways you never even imagined the ARC was lacking. Like that. 

There are probably some stages out there that could better the ARC in some ways but not others, or maybe even across the board but not as much, that would cost less than the Herron. But the VTPH2A is such an over-achiever, for such a reasonable price, I would have to question why anyone would care to leave all that performance on the table just to save a few bucks. 

This is not by the way a recommendation to sell the ARC. Its as solidly reliable as they come. It will probably serve you well for many years to come. Even with the same tubes. (Mine were factory original.) All I'm saying is if you do decide to, the Herron is highly recommended.

Here just to give you some idea is my system https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367