What's up with Vinnie Rossi L2i SE?

A lot of them (particularly given how few units were manufactured) are popping up on the used market at a significant discount.  I was told he's discontinued them and his new lines will start at $30k and up.
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It should be availlable, begining of January ( Canada )
My dealer told me he had an audition yesterday ( November 3 ) at
the distributer location  ( Canada )

I have been told that rolling tubes is no problem
Looking at the pics , I do not know how.
No one has seen it. Only pics.  No units produced per dealer.
not avail for awhile.

Yes the Vinnie Rossi "Brama" line has launched today. I am not sure at this point if I like the looks of the new models.

I am very happy with my Vinnie Rossi L2iSE integrated, plus you get to look at the 300b tubes glowing.

Is the new Brama worth the $20,000 upgrade, time will tell.....

 I may upgrade my Linn Klimax DSM digital streamer first, to the new Linn Organic dac, which is suppose to be sublime sounding.
My present Klimax DSM Katylist dac is quite exceptional sounding now since I added an Uptone Audio EtherRegen network switch connected with an external After Dark clock.

I like my system now! Sometimes its good to leave things alone when you get that synergy with your system......

I'll have to audition the Brama line when my dealer gets one in though!

If someone has an L2i SE or L2 Signature preamp with DAC that they'd like to sell, please PM me.  They've become unobtainium but as Vinnie just released his Brama line today, maybe owners of the L2 may decide to sell theirs.
Also, if something came loose during shipping, it's likely any competent local tech could solve it for less than shipping. Not great for your audio ocd, but probably cheaper and safer than the shipping trip.
@cal3713 and with Vinnie being as nice and cool as he is, I wouldn’t be surprised either. You don’t always find a designer/manufacture who will do custom requests, so I can easily see someone as engaged as Vinnie is/was (when his forum was open) being fair like that. I’ve seen that with with other cool owner/designers too. 
@jriggy I have absolutely no idea if this is true or not, but with the offer of such a long warranty for original owners, I suspect there's some wiggle room for second owners... especially if the problem clearly isn't due to bouncing around during shipping.  I could easily imagine someone with a 5-year old unit they'd owned for a couple years being granted service if a part burned out in course of every day use.
I also think more of these sold than the poster may believe. So many glowing reviews across the board and it’s right there in a pocket of sound, design, options and price point that is an appealing combination for people. There will always be ‘that moment’ timing with a piece where a number of owners feel the need to get out of it for their various reasons. Also, transferable warranties or not seem around 50/50 in the industry.

I own the L2 Signature Preamp since its launch (2+ years ago) and play it for 5 to 10 hours almost every day, without a single hiccup.
I have a L2iSE and with the Tak300B tubes, it is amazingly musical, beating many high quality separates. It has been 100% reliable. Best I know they sold many of these units (very popular with most who heard it at dealers) I was told that the Rossi company sold out of the units and used the funds to retool for their next integrated that is planned to be almost 10k more in price. I was told that once the new units are out that anyone who purchased the L2iSE will be offered to trade in at the full price they paid (if purchased within last year) toward the new model. I am planning to keep my L2iSE as it truly within my system and room is the best sound I have ever experienced in 30+ years of experience, plus 10 year warranty to original owner is much appreciated. In my opinion anyone picking up a unit at a discount price is getting a true bargain. I would assume dealer demos would come with full warranty.
I owned the L2iSE and it arrived new with operation problems,  returned for repair and was supposedly repaired, but original problems still existed plus new issues...there was no refund offered, but thankfully the dealer exchanged for another brand.  I liked the sound especially with the Tak300B tubes, but for the price QC is sadly lacking.
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It’s an excellent integrated with a sweet tube preamp section.  I have moved into high sensitivity widebanders which work best with a low power SIT3.  My L2iSE will be put up for sale soon. Silver, fully loaded (dac and phono preamp), new stock tubes, TAK300B optional tubes (they make a big difference). Bought April 20, 9 years warranty left. 
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Interesting that they did not appear on hifishark. I saw 2 here, with one being a store demo and one used.

It’s a great sounding integrated amp.
They arent cheap to begin with hence the lack of interest/sales. Anytime a product is discontinued people try to dump the "falling knives" before the bottom completely falls out and they are the last one left holding the bag. If they had been priced at 10K-ish stripped with the additional add ons extra he would have sold a ton more.
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