What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report

I enjoy vinyl and digital (lately, with recent changes, vinyl actually sounds better than digital to me), BUT given what seems an overall preference for analog/vinyl on A'gon, I'm curious what the non-vinyl "1/2" is listening to. I tried to see if this was a previously posted question. Did not seem so.

This evening for me, it's Genesis (definitive edition remaster) "A Trick of the Tail".

Michael Coulon - Crossing Paths

Ben Harper - The Will To Live (I'd forgotten how good this one is, both music and SQ.)

Richard Buckner - Since  (I'd forgotten how good this one is too, both music and SQ.)

Richard Buckner - Devotion + Doubt

It was spelled incorrectly a few posts earlier.  Pardon the typo...can't really blame it on dyslexia.
It was spelt differently a few comments prior, and I thought some readers might prefer the correct spelling.

Hollywood Town Hall is an excellent record; I agree! And great band as well.
The Jayhawks - "Hollywood Town Hall". Monster albums. Really fantastic stuff IMHO. One of the best from the early '90's. Helped put Americana on the map and helped bring the genre to my attention. Was lucky to see them back in the day. Great band....

Takeshi Nishimoto - "Lavandula"

Generally not a big fan of solo acoustic anything but this recording seems the exception to the rule. Solo acoustic guitar nicely seasoned with subtle touches of electronica. Excellent sonics, sumptuous guitar textures. The compositions bear repeated listening.
Linda Ronstant/Heart Like A Wheel, David Bowie/Lets Dance and then Branford Marsalis/Treo Jeepy
Takeshi Nishimoto - "Lavandula"

Generally not a big fan of solo acoustic anything but this recording seems the exception to the rule.  Solo acoustic guitar nicely seasoned with subtle touches of electronica.  Excellent sonics, sumptuous guitar textures.  The compositions bear repeated listening.
Victoria Williams' "Sweet Relief" benefit compilation. There are some great covers of Vic’s songs, by some great artist, on this CD.

Yes, I have. Had it for over a decade. I really like pretty much everything Scott Herren does but really love Prefuse 73. That band rescued me from music exhaustion. Really brought back the joy and emotion that all the other genre's I was listening to seemed to lack; I was burn't out and needed new horizons.
@pokey77 savath & savalas is amazing. Have you heard his first album on Warp? 'Folksongs for Trains, Trees and Honey'. It's incredible.. 
To say that yesterday was a bad news day is an understatement. 

At virtually every get together I've attended over the years somewhere, somehow, Tom Petty makes it onto the playlist at everybody's house. Simply by playing TP & The Heartbreakers in my home turned two nieces and a nephew onto his music, all of whom are at least 30 years younger than myself.  One is 50 years younger. 

When I went to put something on last night I was surprised to see how many of his records I own. Pretty much everything he was involved with over the decades. The "T" section in my collection requires a lot of flipping through his stuff to get to the next artist. 

Farewell to a great tunesmith. R. I. P. 

Laurence Juber - Solo Flight

Tingstad & Rumble - In the Garden

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