What's causing the highs to be rolled-off?

I finally achieved the fullness, detail, and bass-weight I want from my system.

My system:

Blue Circle BMPH integrated-solid state /Audience PC (to FIM outlet)
Modwright Sony 999ES /VH Audio Flavor 4 PC/ Furutechs
Raytheon tubes
Acoustic Zen Matrix Ref II (single end)
PS 9.0(power supply for Modwright/ tube rectified)
Black Sand Violet V1 PC
Raysonic CD 128 (VH Audio Flavor 4)Wattgates
EH 6922 tubes
Acoustic Zen Matrix Ref II (single end) and Blue Jeans XLR
PS Audio Premier /PS Audio Statement SC PC
Reimer Wind River GS speakers
Acoustic Zen Satori cables
HSU vtf 2 mk2 sub / FIM outlet/ PS Audio Ultimate Outlet
Earthquake Supernova Mk IV sub

Both my sources are connected to the Premier. BMPH to the wall. The problem is the highs are rolled off. What do you think is causing this? A few days ago I cleaned the Audience PC connected to the BMPH with deoxit- I wiped it off but did not use anything like alcohol to clean off the deoxit. Could that be causing roll off in the highs? Or could it be the PS Audio Statement SC power cord which just finished break-in after 2 weeks of playing. I'm considering trying a DCCA cord on the Premier in place of the Statement SC.

Thanks for your feedback.
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Why are you adamant about keeping the PS Audio conditioner? There are other regenerators available that might prove better (Equitech, ExactPower...).
Tvad (Threads | Answers)

Not adamant if it turns out the decreased high end extension is the fault of the Premier. If that turns out to be true, I'll likely move on to some other power device. But for now, the upside of the Premier is worthy of consideration. I've only had the unit for a little over 2 months. It's too soon to make a decision without experimenting more. By the way, the upside so far with the Premier is increased detail, midrange resolution, and dynamic power. And at the price I purchased it, it seems too good to blow off yet.

It's quite possible that one component plugged straight to the wall with the remaining components run through the PS Audio conditioner will produce the optimal configuration..
Tvad (Threads | Answers)

My integrated amp is connected to the wall- 2 two sources with the power supply are all that's connected to the Premier-oh, I forgot about 1 sub! As always, thanks for your thoughts Tvad.
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a couple things would help--for one--try removing ALL and ANYTHING you have by ps audio -- just eliminate it--they are filters and causing you to lose highs--e-mail me back if you like what you hear...
Rothmanbrad (Threads | Answers)

I've heard this mentioned about PS Audio before. I will definitely be keeping the Premier however. I'll experiment with other power cords for now. If the Premier is the problem, I'll eventually uncover it. Fellas, thanks for all your advice.
a couple things would help--for one--try removing ALL and ANYTHING you have by ps audio -- just eliminate it--they are filters and causing you to lose highs--e-mail me back if you like what you hear...
is it still possible it is perception vs reality. if i thought there was an attenuation in treble response, i would try to gather evidence. a reliable spectral analyzer, and a test disk of white noise is a first step to determine if the highs are rolled.

the fact that there is less treble energy than there once was does not mean the highs are rolled off.

anyway, if you are not pleased, it is very easy to add some sparkle in the treble region.
One of the things that "breaking in" of any component will do is to reduce the high end glare, brightness, shrillness, or what ever term you prefer. The highs will mellow, and the bass will tighten...but the most noticeable effect is in the treble region...at least that has been my experience.

Also, tubes approaching the end of their life span will result in a high roll off and lack of dynamic punch, sometimes, but not always, accompanied by an increase in background noise [hiss].
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it is possible that the highs may not be rolled off. if you are accustomed to a bit of sparkle in the treble and have lost it because you recently replaced some components, you may now have a more balanced frequency response.

most stereo systems are bright. you are fortunate.
why not live with it for a while. after you get used to it, you may prefer its presentation.

you can always add a one meter silver cable between your raysonic and the inegrated amp.
Funny thing just happened to me. I just recapped some old mono amps and was using them in a secondary system to break in the caps. The funny thing was that the mids sounded fine but the top end was a bit rolled and mid/low bass was AWOL. I did some trouble shooting as this made no sense to me. I found my problem in the pre-amp. The tubes were old and I just hadn't paid any attention before. Put in some new driver tubes and the bass was back!

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A/B your amp with another. the gs speakers should be extented in regard to the treble.
What element was added just prior to the highs being rolled off?
Tvad (Threads | Answers)

I was using a 6 ft Audience pc on the BMPH integrated that was about 2 months old, which I sold -it replaced an older 5ft. Audience pc. Put back the older 5ft. Audience pc on the integrated. The highs were good prior to that change. At the time, the PS Audio Statement SC pc was ending a 2 week break in period. The stock cord on the Premier was replaced with the PS Audio Statement SC pc 2 weeks earlier. I wanted to improve the highs as they were somewhat rolled off using the stock pc on the Premier. The highs improved after I added the newer Audience cord to the integrated- but, then too, the Statement SC power cord was breaking in at the same time. At the time, I was not sure whether it was ultimately the newer Audience power cord on the integrated or the Statement SC power cord on the Premier that was responsible for the improvement in the highs. But now, that the older Audience pc is on the integrated and the Statement SC pc is broken in, the highs are rolled off again. Hope I explained this sequence well enough.
Could your tubes be going bad? Did you try switching them out? Are there any other symptoms?
The most common cause of rolled off highs is deterioration of your hearing. If it was a sudden change however, I would just repeat Tvad's comment.
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