What's a 30-year old Grace F9-E Ruby worth?

Since vinyl has caught on again, I brought out my turntable from the 90's and played a few vinyls. I was surprised to see that the cartridge still plays fine. To make a long story short, I not into vinyl as I once was. My interest has shifted to 24-bit music, limited as it is.

Any idea what this cartridge is worth given its age.
@tigertiger  you left your comment in a very old thread from 2012 

I still have my F-E Ruby that I bought in in 82, or so. Mostly I transferred vinyl to cassette, so it doesn't have a lot of hours on. It replaced my V15, when somebody broke the stylus, I never replaced (I regret that now!).

You can upgrade your F9 with styli from F14 series and it will be far better than Shure V15. The reason is Boron and Beryllium cantilevers designed for F14 series by Grace in the 80's. Another reason is the MicroRidge tip instead of Elliptical on your Ruby. Actually the generator on F14 also superior in comparison to the F9.  


Inspect the stylus with 20-40 power loupe. That will answer your question. Iy upi have access to a stereo microscope (dissection scope), that would be better still.

I still have my F-E Ruby that I bought in in 82, or so.  Mostly I transferred vinyl to cassette, so it doesn't have a lot of hours on.It replaced my V15, when somebody broke the stylus, I never replaced (I regret that now!).
Try mounting it (if it's not already mounted( and playing a record. I know it's a very esoteric notion, but you could try it. I intend to do that with mine, today or tomorrow.
I was contemplating selling it if I could get a good price. Since I don't know the state of the stylus, I would feel bad if it didn't last long. It is 30 years old after all.
I don't get it. Is the OP selling his Grace Ruby or trying to establish its value for posterity, or what? If it's in good shape, $250 is a steal, and I would buy it if I had not just paid twice as much for one.
Sold! Reelnai I will let u know where u can send my sales commission check when they restore emails. LOL. Sounds like u have a really nice cartridge there. Cheers
Thanks for all the replies. I don't know the wear on the stylus. My eyes can't focus that close anymore. I probably need to get a jeweler's eyepiece to check. $250 sounds reasonable. I don't have the original box but do have the paperwork. Thanks again.
Thanks, Al. You made me feel better about my moment of weakness. It's arrived here and does appear to be in condition as advertised, at least by gross inspection.
I've used a Grace F9E as my primary cartridge since 1979. I purchased it originally as the non-ruby version, upgraded it with a ruby stylus several years later, and had it retipped/rebuilt by Soundsmith in 2010 (the $250 option Mr. Ledermann offers). To my ears, Mr. Ledermann's work made an outstanding cartridge even better, the change being particularly evident in the treble region on piano notes. I have no desire to explore other cartridges in the foreseeable future.

The $500 Lew paid for a mint-in-box Ruby, assuming it is truly in that condition, strikes me as reasonably consistent with prices I have seen these things go for. Obviously, one that is well used will be worth considerably less.

Hey Lew, enjoy!

-- Al
I have one, in use daily. Still great sound. I also have a $2K Clearaudio and the Grace gives it strong competition. A few years ago I was offered $1.5K for the Grace and a Sony X800, which it was installed in. If it had been $2K, I would have sold it.
OK. I confess. After a year of cartridge-buying abstinence, I just bought a Grace Ruby for $500. I don't know whether I overpaid or not. But, in mint condition in the original box, they don't exactly grow on trees, as my mom used to say. Once you decide what to pay, you will then have to find one. It took me about a year.
Start an auction here or on ebay and you will know. Can you estimate the extent of stylus wear?
Dear Reelnai: Worth to own for any one. The Ruby IMHO was the best Grace ever and today competitive with the best LOMC cartridges.

Regards and enjo the music,
I sold an F9-E for $250 on Audiogon a couple of years ago; not a Ruby but standard. But it all depends on if there is a buyer who wants one when you have one to sell; prices can vary widely.