what really happened to j. skul

why did j skul get fired from stereophile?
I don't know whether he got fired or not, but he's working for Monster Cable.
J-10 was simply caught in the middle of budget cuts. The owners of Stereophile wanted to reduce overhead and reducing the quantity of staff writers was an instant way to achieve that goal.

With that in mind, others might say "phooey" to that as Stereophile hired Art Dudley ( formerly of Listener ) shortly after that. While i can understand that point of view, i think that picking up Art was a very wise business move on their part. Not only were subscribers to Listener looking for a new home to reside in, this also opened up the doors to a wider variety of advertisers to Stereophile since Art tends to focus on slightly different types of gear than that found in Stereophile. When you are in the magazine business and you can pick up subscribers and advertisers in one fell swoop, you don't think twice to shake hands and sign the check.

Jonathan realized all of the above and stated that he understood that it was a business move on the part of Stereophile and nothing personal. He also said that he's very happy working for Monster Cable and making more money than he ever did before. As such, i think it turned out pretty good for all involved. Sean
Skull was a complete paradox for me: of all the SP writers
I valued his opinion on gear and music the least, yet always
found myself turning to his reviews and Fine Tunes first. Go
As I recall J-10 reported from New York and then Stereophile moved from Sante Fe to New York. This put its British editor that much closer to home and made J-10 redundant.
with all respesct sean, your response is a longer version of stereophiles explanation.iwas hoping to hear from someone who had real inside information,barring that, i guess the opinion of rockvirgo is closer to the truth.
Capeguy: As far as i know, that is the truth. I had corresponded with J-10 about this on a few occasions and that was all that was said. I guess only J-10, JA and possibly some other Stereophile employees might be the only ones that know the "whole truth" though. Sean
Has anyone read an issue of Stereophile and actually missed Jonathan Scull(not Skull)???

I was one of the more vocal opponents to the power J10 was wielding at Stereophile. I found Fine Tunes enjoyable, and was a worthwhile column without question(moreso in its early days). However, his reviews were subpar. Barring lower priced components, every review came off the same way to me. I found the most informative section his describing the physical layout of the component - which he normally did very, very well. However, praise was so lavish when it got to the sonics that I found it hard to ever finish a review and have a serious grip on what a component sounded like.

It would have been preferable to me to really have a handle on the differences between a BAT, Jadis, Krell, Mark Levinson, etc. Which systems they would work well in, and where they would falter. Instead, it was almost as if what many accuse Stereophile was at work; reviews bought via advertising revenue.

My biggest problem with Scull was whenever someone had the temerity to have him review something at a non-stratospheric price point. Then, a bad review would be written. As if to say, "Hey, you asked for it..." Was he christened to live a life of only multikilobuck equipment?

I don't understand why Stereophile sometimes has a reviewer only handle certain things. All reviewers should write about the entire audio spectrum. Scull, and now Paul Bolin, were akin to audio royalty. A component could not come to them unless they were the finest in the kingdom.

However, I have been a loyal Stereophile subscriber for a long time. And, I am paid up until perhaps 2005. My opinions are not a result of a blind rant, but stem from my absolute love of this hobby. Stereophile is the most important journal of high - end audio. They must be held to the highest standard. Otherwise, we all(listeners, enthusiasts, dealers, manufacturers, and the reviewers) suffer the effects of not trying to be the best - mediocrity.

If I sound dour, maybe that's in the past. The magazine seems to be on the upswing over the past months. Maybe I am mistaken, but I sense a definite improvement. Despite the economy, there is more energy and life in the magazine.

Personally, I have found that the inclusion of Art Dudley has been a breath of fresh air. Art is in the unique position of going after a wider range of equipment than most in the past few years. I also think a direct result of the inclusion of Dudley is that Fremer and Tellig will have to keep themselves on their toes because of the territory Art travels in. Fremer is no longer the only person who can throw down analog opinion. As to Sam Tellig, there are now two people who can write entertainingly, maybe Sam will have to throw in some detail to his reviews. Sam will have to provide more than a long story about a drive through the countryside with a line or two about "With the Brand X, I heard great resolution."
Uhmm has anybody looked at the line up over at TAS, including the venerable JG Holt.

Maybe that line up tells more of the story. It used to be a magazine about audio, not about making money.

When it has to be profitable it's a business. Business tends to have it's own mind and usually cares nothing about art and convictions. Money is the only objective.

hey dekay, lighten up man, i was curious about the sudden departure of a major player in the industry who wrote in a magazine that i have read for a long time. regardless of what you thought of scull, and my opinion lines up more or less with trelija, you cannot deny his impact on all things audio. and dekay even if i had j10 address which i do not, i wouldn't call him and ask him about something that may be painful for him to discuss with anyone lest of all a stranger. of all the responses to my question, yours was the only one to flame my motive, and since you don't know me,im suprised by the response.this is a hobby, not life or death.
Without mentioning any names I heard the gentleman was some what of a problem for Stereophile. He did not get along with manufacturers and did not like to return equipment loaned for review. I can't imagine why this would be an issue!
The 'budget cuts' doesn't withstand scrutiny with the hiring of Art Dudley so hot on Scull's heels. Art Dudley is an improvement though.
Fine Tunes was helpful initially but ceased it's usefulness before it ran it course.
Or maybe I'm wrong.

"this is a hobby, not life or death."

So, your hobby is gossiping about individuals and their personal/professional lives in public forums?

"even if i had j10 address which i do not, i wouldn't call him and ask him about something that may be painful for him to discuss with anyone lest of all a stranger."

and... instead, you decided to discuss the incident in a public forum (JS has posted @ AA and I assume reads these forums as well). Whether I lighten up, or not, I still find this thread to be of poor taste/judgement.

Granted that certain people in the industry have cried out (by their actions) for public scrutiny, I do not consider JS to be in this group.
dekay, gossiping, poor taste/judgement are you for real? js is or was a public figure and im sure he would understand a long time subscribers interest in the sudden departure of a senior editor given the one line response by j. atkison regarding his absence from the mag. i was really interested in any readers opinion of stereophiles take on this, as you can see from the responses people all had different opinions on the issue but none came out with an over the top attack on my motive in asking the question. by the by, who set you up as arbiter of taste and judgement? i asked myself why is thi guy such a tight ass on this and then i read your bio. now i understand. this hobby is about love of music and the equipment that makes it sound great. i don't have time for your bitterness, so adios dekay
meisterkleef,i thought about your comment re;scull and at the risk of pissing off that great arbiter of taste and judgement,dekay, i think you were interested in his stuff for the same reason as i,he was extremly entertaining,even if you disagreed with his sometime esoteric views on audio, he always made yoU THINK AND SOMETIME LAUGH. I HOPE HE HOOKS UP WITH ANOTHER AUDIO MAG,TAS? EVEN THOUGH HP HAS STATED NO WAY FOR WHAT EVER HIS REASONS. SCULL HAS A FOLLOWING, MY SELF INCLUDED, WHO CONSIDER HIM VERY ENTERTAINING IN AN INDUSTRY THAT SOMETIMES TAKES ITSELF WAY TO SERIOUSLY.
trelja, i agree art dudly is a great guy and an asset to stereophile, listener was a niche mag that catered to the horn speaker set amplifier audiophile. without bashing these folks, do you really believe that the average stereophile reader is interested in 5watt amps and exotic horn speakers?art is much more than a one dimensional audiophile,but if you read his mag, you know were his interests are. maybe im wrong.
Well, I do not have much knowledge of the situation of what happened to Scull, but I can say that Dekay and Capeguy, you two probably agree much more than you disagree. Perhaps you guys got off on the wrong foot...

Capeguy, I have been a friend of Dekay(David) for a while, and can tell you that he is a great guy.

I agree with your comments about Art Dudley. But, I have faith in the Stereophile readership. But, I guess I am only speaking for myself. I feel that we are interested in attaining the best possible sound, and want to hear about the equipment and technology that will get us there. Be it low watt, high watt, tube, solid state, analog, digital, horn, electrostatic, dynamic, ionic...

As JA said, the decision to jettison J10 was JA's alone. Now, despite my feelings on Scull, John Atkinson is no prince. In fact, he seems to be a snake. His reviews are insightful, and actually take a position. Whether or not I agree with his audio philosophy(which I do not) is secondary to a reviewer actually taking a position(which he does). I want to be left with the feeling that the reviewer has provided me with insight, and JA does do that.

Do I think that perhaps there are better candidates to be at the helm of Stereophile? I guess so, but as I sit here, I realize that whoever captains the ship will veer off on their own course. JA is obviously not a fan of tubes, which certainly are a force in the hobby. But, if someone with different tastes was the boss, would we perhaps lose sight of a different niche?

I am taking a wait and hope and see attitude right now. If Art Dudley continues on down the road he is going, Stereophile might just end up with a nice balance of all that audio is.
trelja, great response, this is why i came to audiogon in the first place. articulate discussions of issue in audio that is of interest to all of us. i don't doubt your bud dekay is a great guy, but this guy did an all out attack on someone he doesn't know,comments on his taste and juudgement etc. all over a simple question that prompted reasoned responses from other readers including yourself. sounds to me like he is a sensative soul or was having a bad hair day. trelja, i hope i didn't come out as anti dudly,i read his mag and enjoyed it even though i don't have any interest in art's love of horns etc. i think his addition to stereophile will insert some fresh thinking to a mag that was stagnate.nice job on the dekay issue, are you now or were you ever a diplomat. please excuse the typing and other errors, im an old goat who is new to computers and types with one finger, my goal is to advance to two fingers soon.
I thought J. Skull to be perhaps the most pompous, arrogant reviewer out there, whose reviews revealed mostly how full of himself he was, and the actual substance of the reviews was very mediocre at best.

Most of the time, I would finish the review wondering if anything he reviewed in the stratsopheric arena was less than fabulous. His carefully worded comparisons to others of his latest audio toys were clearly woven to provide the least amount of useful, honest information, and rather an attempt to place them all on the same lofty plane of audiophile nirvana.

When a friend of mine emailed JS to humbly ask him a question, and didn't receive the courtesy of any reply, this only confirmed my opinion of him all along. Perhaps JS's new salary at Monster Cable will allow him to imbibe a $500 bottle of Cogin while he reminisces about his glory days at Stereophile. At least I won't have to read his braggery about which bottle of vintage grapes accompanied his latest review.

His termination is certainly no great loss, except for the fact that Stereophile / JA continues to display blatant incompetence / disregard at maintaining a magazine of integrity with truly top notch reviewers.
sean, i miss your input on this funny issue. of all of the people i have read in my short visit to audiogon, i have been most impressed with you. despite the facxt that you are a young puppy, you seem to have an insight to the industry that is absent from most. i don't know if this is the appropriate forum for this, but i think if you are to exchange ideas, you should understand each other, with that in mind, i am a 65 year old veteran of the revolution, just kidding,make that korea.i have been an audiophile for 45 years,my god, you young folks must be really amused at this point, i have owned all of the hot systems, maggies, infinitys, wilsons,b&w,dunlavy,i may have forgot a few, goes with senior status don't you know. in electronics i have had arc, bat,krell, levinson,cj,and i may have forgotten a few here. as an aside and a laugh for you young folks, my first system was double advents,scott and a garrad turntable, my current system is a levinson 31.5,classe dac-1 z-systems rpd-1 and b&w nautilus 801 speakers.sean, i am vp of human resources for a major ct. company,hence my interest from a professional standpoint in the scull affair. what do you do to pay for our hobby?
saxo,tell us how you really feel. i agree the ribbon chair was a bit much and his nickname of j10 was oh so precious,but didn't you get a yuk out of some of his stuff?come on saxon, even if his reviews were not world class i think the entertainment value was worth something. i have read the anti scull responses and they seem to fall into two catagorys, those that disliked his professional reviews and those who for what ever reason hated the guy.i can never get as angry at anyone as you appear to be at scull, what's up with that? peace and tranquility saxon,relax and enjoy the music.
> what really happened to j. skul

That Scull, agchewly.

> J-10 was simply caught in the middle of budget cuts.

That is correct, Sir!

> Jonathan realized all ... and stated that he understood that it was a business move on the part of Stereophile and nothing personal. He also said that he's very happy working for Monster Cable and making more money than he ever did before. As such, i think it turned out pretty good for all involved. Sean <

Thank you, Sean, good to "see" you again. One door closes, panic, another door opens, relief. And I get to stay in the same hobby/business I've invested so much of my life into.

I'm off to Monster HQ in SF for two weeks tomorrow, or maybe Tuesday if there's a blizzard, and will check in here to see what's happening.

> Skull

Scull, if you please, boychick.

> was a complete paradox for me:

Funny you say that. For me, life is all about paradox. My be my Russian heritage.

> of all the SP writers I valued his opinion on gear and music the least

Sorry to hear that, of course... but I'll defend to YOUR death the right to say so!

> yet always found myself turning to his reviews and Fine Tunes first. Go figure.

> As I recall J-10 reported from New York and then Stereophile moved from Sante Fe to New York. This put its British editor that much closer to home and made J-10 redundant. <

Too true...
> with all respesct sean, your response is a longer version of stereophiles explanation.iwas hoping to hear from someone who had real inside information,<

Ah, the dirt. I couldn't possibly say other than... I was downsized for reasons which included downsizing.

> barring that, i guess the opinion of rockvirgo is closer to the truth.<

As for whateve you choose to believe, that's the truth. Additional reasons? Sure. We talkin' about'em? Nope. Whad'dya expect? I would achieve exactly what with sour grapes?

> Capeguy: As far as i know, that is the truth.


> I had corresponded with J-10

I corresponded with J-10; active voice!

> about this on a few occasions and that was all that was said. I guess only J-10, JA and possibly some other Stereophile employees might be the only ones that know the "whole truth" though.<

> Why don't you just ask JS if you are so hot on the "truth"?

Yeah, that's what I would'a done.
And what's been said is the truth.
Money. Primedia didn't have much at the time, Monster did.
End of story, after a couple of months of nail-biting.
> Has anyone read an issue of Stereophile and actually missed Jonathan Scull(not Skull)???

Thank you.

> I was one of the more vocal opponents to the power J10 was wielding at Stereophile.

I'm sure you give me too much credit. Stereophile went where JA wanted it to go, not me.

> I found Fine Tunes enjoyable, and was a worthwhile column without question(moreso in its early days).

Thank you.

> However, his reviews were subpar.

Sorry you feel that way. I put a lot of myself in them, a lot of passion, that's what makes me tick.

> Barring lower priced components, every review came off the same way to me.<

Really? I'm sure Richard Gray Power Company feel differently. Anyway, my niche was the exotic stuff, why review what wasn't good when there was so much great stuff out there? Let's see... the Pioneer PR Person is still pretty pissed at me. But I always delivered what I heard, and that's it.

> However, praise was so lavish when it got to the sonics that I found it hard to ever finish a review and have a serious grip on what a component sounded like.

Sorry, some people did, some didn't. You can't be everything to everybody.

> It would have been preferable to me to really have a handle on the differences between a BAT, Jadis, Krell, Mark Levinson, etc. Which systems they would work well in, and where they would falter.<

Well, I always tried to give that information. Many people wrote and "said" they did, in fact.

> Instead, it was almost as if what many accuse Stereophile was at work; reviews bought via advertising revenue.<

This has been covered many times, your innuendo stinks, your facts are askew, you should just shut it. If you don't know of a specific instance of corruption, don't smear another's reputation. My integrity is the most important part of me, and it's staying that way. I don't know who you are or what you think you are, but in this, you are simply and grossly ignorant.

> My biggest problem with Scull was whenever someone had the temerity to have him review something at a non-stratospheric price point. Then, a bad review would be written.<

You're crazy. I'm not going to sit here and ennurmate what the magazine as a whole covered, how balanced I tried to influence the reviewing for expensive and cost-effective gear, how good I tried to be for the industry while not bowing to commerical pressure, but my area was the exotic, and that's where I traveled. And no one "threw" me a review, either. The process has also been ennumerated in the pages of Stereophile. RGPC was expensive ---bzzzt! I *arranged* many a review of modestly-priced gear, so I did my bit. If you don't wanna know that, too bad for you.

> As if to say, "Hey, you asked for it..." Was he christened to live a life of only multikilobuck equipment? <

Ah, don't get your bowels in an uproar, as my father used to say. I only played one on tv, okay, relax. I covered the bleeding edge, I arranged cost-effective reviews, I encouraged manufacturers, was always fair as I knew had to be, and devoted myself to my job 1000%

> I don't understand why Stereophile sometimes has a reviewer only handle certain things. All reviewers should write about the entire audio spectrum. Scull, and now Paul Bolin, were akin to audio royalty. A component could not come to them unless they were the finest in the kingdom.<

Please address your comments to the edtior of Stereophile.

> However, I have been a loyal Stereophile subscriber for a long time. And, I am paid up until perhaps 2005. My opinions are not a result of a blind rant, but stem from my absolute love of this hobby. Stereophile is the most important journal of high - end audio. They must be held to the highest standard. Otherwise, we all(listeners, enthusiasts, dealers, manufacturers, and the reviewers) suffer the effects of not trying to be the best - mediocrity.<

What can I say... I always did my best. Some feel I did a great job. You don't. Mozeltof.

> If I sound dour

And insulting?

> maybe that's in the past. The magazine seems to be on the upswing over the past months. Maybe I am mistaken, but I sense a definite improvement. Despite the economy, there is more energy and life in the magazine. <

I'm sure we're all happy to note...

> Personally, I have found that the inclusion of Art Dudley has been a breath of fresh air.

I wish him personally the best in his new spot.

> As to Sam Tellig, there are now two people who can write entertainingly, maybe Sam will have to throw in some detail to his reviews.<

Once again, please address your points of view to the editor at Stereophile.

> hey dekay, lighten up man,


> i was curious about the sudden departure of a major player in the industry who wrote in a magazine that i have read for a long time. regardless of what you thought of scull, and my opinion lines up more or less with trelija, you cannot deny his impact on all things audio.<

Thanks, I always did it with a good heart. Ask Mark of Rogue Audio, ask Blue Circle, ask any number of manufacturers who were encouraged by my efforts to keep the hobby alive and happy. Within, always, what was proper to do.

> and dekay even if i had j10 address which i do not


> i wouldn't call him and ask him about something that may be painful for him to discuss with anyone lest of all a stranger.<

No, that's fine, I love what I did, I love what I'm doing now, happy to discuss it with anyone who wants to. I wouldn't be here if I hadn't been there. Take the best...

> of all the responses to my question, yours was the only one to flame my motive, and since you don't know me,im suprised by the response.this is a hobby, not life or death.

Yea mon! It's music! It's life! ENJOY IT!
> Without mentioning any names I heard the gentleman was some what of a problem for Stereophile.

Sigh. Please mention names and don't dribble innuendo you can't back up. Who's your source? In what way? Are you making it up? Was the person involved in an incident with SP with another motive? Did you believe what you wanted to believe? Sheesh.

> He did not get along with manufacturers and did not like to return equipment loaned for review.<

Total crap. Total. You don't know what you're talking about, and you're an insulting, low-minded creep for making unsubstantiated accusations you can't possibly back up. I'd be happy to give anyone who asks a list of manufacturers for "testamonials", as if needed. I'd like to know what you do for a living so I could give you a dose of what you're leaking from your snotnose right now and see how you'd like it. You are a misinformed. Got it? I won't call you a liar. I could never say that.

> The 'budget cuts' doesn't withstand scrutiny with the hiring of Art Dudley so hot on Scull's heels.

What exactly are you dripping now? Why don't ya wipe your nose, your ruining the parquet.

> Art Dudley is an improvement though.

You're right to feel that way.

> Fine Tunes was helpful initially but ceased it's usefulness before it ran it course.

I tried my best to come up with something new each month. You try it.

> Or maybe I'm wrong.

Yes, maybe you're wrong.
> So, your hobby is gossiping about individuals and their personal/professional lives in public forums?<

Ah, thanks, the voice of reason and civil behavior.
Shoot first, ask the corpse afterwards if it's true.

"even if i had j10 address which i do not, i wouldn't call him and ask him about something that may be painful for him to discuss with anyone lest of all a stranger."

and... instead, you decided to discuss the incident in a public forum (JS has posted @ AA and I assume reads these forums as well). Whether I lighten up, or not, I still find this thread to be of poor taste/judgement.

Part of the territory, I guess, but now that I'm on the other side, learning so much about what I was so insulated from, I'm still open to anyone who wants to talk. Even if it don't come as part of the territory anymore, he said, dance like a butterly, sting like a bee...

> Granted that certain people in the industry have cried out (by their actions) for public scrutiny, I do not consider JS to be in this group.

Thank you. Sincerely. That means a lot to me. Everyone I touched with my writing was a reward.

> dekay, gossiping, poor taste/judgement are you for real? js is or was a public figure and im sure he would understand a long time subscribers interest in the sudden departure of a senior editor given the one line response by j. atkison regarding his absence from the mag.<

Uhhhh, yes.

> i was really interested in any readers opinion of stereophiles take on this, as you can see from the responses people all had different opinions on the issue but none came out with an over the top attack on my motive in asking the question. by the by, who set you up as arbiter of taste and judgement?<


> i asked myself why is thi guy such a tight ass on this and then i read your bio. now i understand. this hobby is about love of music and the equipment that makes it sound great. i don't have time for your bitterness, so adios dekay

Bless you, my son.
> meisterkleef,i thought about your comment re;scull and at the risk of pissing off that great arbiter of taste and judgement,dekay, i think you were interested in his stuff for the same reason as i,he was extremly entertaining,even if you disagreed with his sometime esoteric views on audio


> he always made yoU THINK AND SOMETIME LAUGH.

Yeah, man, everyone takes this so effin' seriously. I think I know why, 'cause your system IS you, such a reflection of your tastes and style (if any... )


No, no... happily settled into Monster Cable now for seven months in the marketing/pr side. I love it. And it's nice to make a living.


YESSS!, I mean, yes.
check out www.monstercable.com/scullreport
Okay, okay, it's about Monster, of course, but I aim to make it entertaining.
"Saxo"... Saxo... this wouldn't be John Saxon, the "reviewer" audio salesman who went beserk at the RGPC review? Or are you a mysterious "other".

I thought J. Skull to be perhaps the most pompous, arrogant reviewer out there, whose reviews revealed mostly how full of himself he was
Satisfied now Capeguy?

By the way, I don't attack girly-sue types, so you must be imagining things.
> saxo,tell us how you really feel.

I think I know how he really feels, if he's the RGPC dealer I think he might be.

> i agree the ribbon chair was a bit much

Dunno, involved the old lady, she found it, pretty comfortable place to listen to music from.

> and his nickname of j10 was oh so precious,

Given my Corey Greenberg on TAN in the early 90s. Corey wasn't so "precious".

> but didn't you get a yuk out of some of his stuff?

I hope so...

> come on saxon

Yeah, Jim, come on...

> even if his reviews were not world class i think the entertainment value was worth something.


> i have read the anti scull responses and they seem to fall into two catagorys, those that disliked his professional reviews and those who for what ever reason hated the guy.<

Yeah, it's a mystery.

> i can never get as angry at anyone as you appear to be at scull, what's up with that?


> peace and tranquility saxon,relax and enjoy the music.

Good idea.
> saxo,tell us how you really feel.

Well, I looked at your profile, maybe you're not Jim Saxon, I think I called him John at some point... so apologies if you're not him.

> I thought J. Skull to be perhaps the most pompous, arrogant reviewer out there, whose reviews revealed mostly how full of himself he was, and the actual substance of the reviews was very mediocre at best.<

Sorry you didn't catch my meaning, my friend.

> Most of the time, I would finish the review wondering if anything he reviewed in the stratsopheric arena was less than fabulous.<

Sure, and I said so.

> His carefully worded comparisons to others of his latest audio toys were clearly woven to provide the least amount of useful, honest information, and rather an attempt to place them all on the same lofty plane of audiophile nirvana.<

That's your misinformed opinion.

> When a friend of mine emailed JS to humbly ask him a question, and didn't receive the courtesy of any reply, this only confirmed my opinion of him all along.

I'd like to know who that was. I answered almost every communication that came across my desk, and continue to do so, wanting to propogate audio and video.

> Perhaps JS's new salary at Monster Cable will allow him to imbibe a $500 bottle of Cogin while he reminisces about his glory days at Stereophile.

My glory days are ahead of me, friend, my contributions to audio journalism my pleasure to do and regret to leave.

> At least I won't have to read his braggery about which bottle of vintage grapes accompanied his latest review.<

Sorry you didn't get it.

> His termination is certainly no great loss, except for the fact that Stereophile / JA continues to display blatant incompetence / disregard at maintaining a magazine of integrity with truly top notch reviewers.

I Remain, Etc.,
>Does this thread serve any useful purpose?

Well, Sir, I see it this way. All kinds of stuff has been said or attributed to me in this thread. Can you tell me a single reason why I *shouldn't* respond? I mean, anyone can say anything they want on the 'Net, and suddenly it's true. Manufacturers down't like me, I refused to give equipment back, totally absurd statements. Shall I not defend myself? Or just let it ride into the popular lexicon of "thruth".
Just wondering what you thought.
dekay it was great to hear from js and his respnse to his critics was a hoot as i expected it would be. he sounds like he is happy at monster and that is a good thing,i wish him the best, despite his many critics i thought he was a rip. as for you dekay, as the man said,i read your bio, and if anyone qualifys as a girly sue type it's you.but as i said befor ,i don't have time for your bitterness. good luck in your job search,work will make you strong. adios.
dekay,don't know what that means, but i guess it can't be very good. you should relax take your prozac and try your very best to get that job.
Well, in this thread we have basically sealed the deal for me.

One thing Jonathan Scull always seemed to do was monopolize everything. The best equipment, the leading reviewer, the conversation, this thread... Perhaps it is insecurity. Perhaps he is a control freak. Perhaps he feels he is better than everyone else.

He defends his reviewing all the exotic audio jewelry as if, as I had asked, he was christened to live that life. A little message to you J10 - we are all cut from the same cloth. In my opinion, there are no kings, and there are no serfs. We all should spend time in the penthouse, the outhouse, and on the street. You seem to think as if you are on a higher plane. Believe this, I would have held you in much higher regard if you had taken the time to review something like the Cambridge Audio D500SE.

The Richard Gray Power Company component was expensive? It wouldn't pay for one of your gilded interconnects/speaker cables/power cords. Aren't you the one who recommended the Accuphase monoblocks be used with a power conditioner which cost more than most people's power amps?

As I said, you did a nice job in going over the physical layout of the component. In fact, I don't think that I have read anyone do a better job. Kudos. I wish the rest of your reviews followed suit. Really, I do.

The "don't get your bowels in an uproar" comment was something you used in several of your columns, and is no more cute today than it was then. I am sure you could sprinkle in a few of your father's many other favorite sayings. You may feel you are entertaining, but I don't.

I have NEVER accused Stereophile of taking money for reviews. Your reaction to my bringing up the fact that some people feel this way obviously shows you are overly defensive of the matter. Your problem, not mine...

Playing the "who do you think you are" card is the cheapest trick around. It never shows any basis in position, and I have always found it the height of arrogance. It is usually used by the "priveleged" when addressing the "uppity" when the latter hold the position in argument over the former. Don't use that crap on me, you better bring something more powerful when you take part in discussion. This isn't a magazine. This isn't a monologue. Your opinion is no more important than mine. And, this time, you don't get to write a snappy reply at the end of someone's letter to the editor; ending the discussion with you having the upper hand.

By the way, thanks for the suggestion of writing to the editor. Real insight there. I have never written one, but would if an issue so moved me. Personally, I prefer Audiogon as the forum for my audio discussion.

For your information, I do not hide from anything, and will tell you who I am - Joe Trelli -> Trelja -> TRELJA@aol.com. I have been an active member of Audiogon for a few years. People know me well here, and I have always stood by my opinions. As you stated, credibility is important. I go about establishing mine here by offering heartfelt opinion, actual experience, consistent position, and not running away from situations that call for one to stand up for themselves.

This will be the last time I write these words in this thread, but again, I never liked your reviewing style. I want to establish that I will not only say these things when the recipient is not around. I found you spending too much energy on both the praise and prose to carry any influence with me. As I stated, I felt there was not enough tangible opinion for me to get a grip on the sonics of a component. You state others feel differently. Fine. Despite me having a different audio philosophy than JA, I feel as if I am informed after his reviews.

I feel that Stereophile is now on the upswing, and the past few issues have provided me a lot more satisfaction for my investment. Part of that is the fact that you no longer are part of the review team. I did write on this very site before you were let go that I wish that your relationship with the magazine would be lessened/terminated. From what I read here, you are making a better living at Monster Cable. I guess we both win!!!
> 02-17-03: Trelja

Well... well... Houston, I see we have a problem.

> Well, in this thread we have basically sealed the deal for me. <

You have made up your mind then. I heard it pounding shut. Okay. I like open minds. I suspect audiophile minds have to be open. How else to learn about different music?

As you abundantly make clear, your mind is closed.

Such is life. There are people like you, as insulting and misunderstanding as they can be, revealing themselves far more than their supposed "victim".

The HUGE chip on your shoulder makes conversation impossible, and finger-wagging lecture inevitable. If not worse, as, shudents, we continue down the nutball ward of audiophiles who flipped out from too much "critical listening" gas in their intestines which goes straight to the head.

> One thing Jonathan Scull always seemed to do was monopolize everything. The best equipment, the leading reviewer, the conversation, this thread... Perhaps it is insecurity. Perhaps he is a control freak. Perhaps he feels he is better than everyone else.<

Uh, heh heh, maybe it's a massive case of projection.

Get over it. It shouldn't define your life.

I tried to involve my writing and reviewing with life and experience. That was my way. Love it or leave it. It was immense fun "presenting" as cost-no-object-joe-millionaire (body only, well, looks too, but MY BRAIN!

insert evil laff here.

> He defends

I do not! I followed my instincts, our muse, as free to practise, and that's where I took me. I loved it, I learned a craft and learned to communicate with others about it.

> his reviewing all the exotic audio jewelry as if, as I had asked, he was christened to live that life.<

You make me laugh. No one is born to it. You love it or you don't. If you do, watch out! Higher resolution leads to more warts revealed, leads to... audiophilus nervosus. Which I fear you have a bad case of...

> A little message to you J10 - we are all cut from the same cloth.<

Indeed. I was a journalist, a computer job recruiter, and owner/driver in the 80s of a limousine company... I did lots of stuff, like anyone who grows up. Life teaches the real lessons, wouldn't you say?

> In my opinion, there are no kings, and there are no serfs.<

You're mad. I'm an east-coast liberal democrat of the worst kind and believe in plurasism. And Gore even. If I had to. I actually rebel when presented with old-country feudalism.

> We all should spend time in the penthouse, the outhouse, and on the street.<

You see, you insult curiously as if YOU want to feel suprior or something... you can't imagine life in the front seat of a limo late at night watching drunks get rolled by whores at the entrance to the Park Aven Tunnel. What do you really know, you see? Finger-wagging for naught, my friend. I've been there. that's how you become a journalist, and maybe play it up because you can, because that's what your instincts tell you to do, but ALWAYS with integrity, mon ami.

> You seem to think as if you are on a higher plane.

All audiophiles are in the same plane. To doom and perdition, to always wanting more and better, seeking the chakra truth of life from music's rhythm that describes them perfectly.

> Believe this

Cape and tight clothes, ruffling breeze, supervillan at your feet? Just wondering... acting out and all that...

> I would have held you in much higher regard if you had taken the time to review something like the Cambridge Audio D500SE. <

Ah, well, you see, you sanctimonious... er, stay high-minded Jonathan. Ahem. Sizzle. I had **caused** on **many** occasions, our reviewers, who SPECIALIZED in those type of systems, to review them and encourage them to succeed and stick around a few years. As I absolutely did. You may not have seen my work in those matters, but there it is. To balance the mid-stuff, and the high stuff I did. Why compare a small British integrated to 16K of Krell monoblock? What would be the effing point, stranger?

However, there is no one "intervening" now, so, as a member of the public, I can only guess that the reviewers are pitching ideas straight to JA now.

> Aren't you the one who recommended the Accuphase monoblocks be used with a power conditioner which cost more than most people's power amps?

No.I said they were great amps, and could sound even more terrific if they used the full power treatment. Buying at that level, it might be a factor. But *I* recommend everyone finds out what turns them on and do it! Not *at all* that I have the biggest "package" and can whip any pussy on the block. Please, such ridiculous behavior?

> Really, I do.

Patronization is always an ugly, cheap little upper-class conceit of superiority. Now I ask you directly, who's being a superior-wanna-be?

> The "don't get your bowels in an uproar" comment was something you used in several of your columns <

You see, I am SO compliemented that your read my columns with such, with such... what would you call it?

> and is no more cute today than it was then.

Thank you for yoru observation. Thinking of the old bastard recently.

> I am sure you could sprinkle in a few of your father's many other favorite sayings. You may feel you are entertaining, but I don't. <

Alas. So be it.

> I have NEVER accused Stereophile of taking money for reviews. Your reaction to my bringing up the fact that some people feel this way obviously shows you are overly defensive of the matter. Your problem, not mine...<

You can lay a trap, snap it, then look aside, oh, that's not my mess... elaborate games are a sign of stress, I think.

Playing the "who do you think you are" card is> the cheapest trick around. It never shows any basis in position, and I have always found it the height of arrogance.<

Question is, are you referring to yourself? There wre a few people who mistook my writing persona for real life, a fault you seem to have developed in your congnitive thinking process. Yes, I was a journalist, I created a reviewing persona, but hat was not in all cases a review of our life. Life is not a video game. But I always did with total, maximum effort to my particular view of things, enhanced by many listening sessions, lots of other systems and equipment, and live music.

> It is usually used by the "priveleged" when addressing the "uppity" when the latter hold the position in argument over the former.<

Whew. Get thee hence, old chap.

> Don't use that crap on me

Whew, now we have the real construction worker other part of your personality?

> you better bring something more powerful when you take part in discussion. This isn't a magazine. <

You forgot the "you know". I bring what I bring, my friend, and that's it. Don't like it, move on. Live with it.

> This isn't a monologue. Your opinion is no more important than mine.<

I have always encouraged audiophiles to learn, grow and prosper, educate their ears, and become their own experts and not blindly take the word of others. Always. You seem incredibly... unaware of what you're obviously so sore about.

> And, this time, you don't get to write a snappy reply at the end of someone's letter to the editor<

Kind of like a big guy with a hardhat leaning his way into the space of the dude he is yelling at... no snappy replies, eh? You drive a tuff bargain, whoever you are.

> ending the discussion with you having the upper hand.

Please feel free...

> By the way, thanks for the suggestion of writing to the editor. Real insight there.<

I understand, you need it spelled out for you, you don't like reading and thinking. Okay. I have null effect on what's reviewed or how now, please apply within. And that's it. They call it professional. You?

> I have never written one, but would if an issue so moved me. Personally, I prefer Audiogon as the forum for my audio discussion.<

Where you can air your dirty laundry and spread uncontested tripe. I see... That's a pretty easy way out. No peer review. Just, whatever.

> For your information

He said, turning purple... cords standing out in neck...

> I do not hide from anything, and will tell you who I am - Joe Trelli -> Trelja -> TRELJA@aol.com. I have been an active member of Audiogon for a few years. People know me well here, and I have always stood by my opinions.<

Whew, you are *some* tuffguy. I guess I know who you are now. Please, STAND by your opinion, just don't be so insulitng about others'. I mean, what compells you?

> As you stated, credibility is important. I go about
establishing mine here by offering heartfelt opinion, actual experience, consistent position, and not running away from situations that call for one to stand up for themselves.<

I... I'm speechless. Your heartfelt opinion, actual experiences, consistent positions... and that business of running away, I just don't get it. How are we so terribly different? What IS your problem really?

> This will be the last time I write these words

Very huffy and Victorian, but be as you must...

> in this thread, but again, I never liked your reviewing style.<

Well I would'a fell down laughing if you'd suddenly said you did! I think I'll fall down laughing anyway.

> I want to establish that I will not only say these things when the recipient is not around. I found you spending too much energy on both the praise and prose to carry any influence with me.<

Well **sigh** I stand informed.

> As I stated

Very prim... good arguments don't need repetition.

> I felt there was not enough tangible opinion...
> Fine. Despite me having a different audio philosophy than JA, I feel as if I am informed after his reviews.<

Well that's wonderful! What's the problem, for heaven's sake then?

> I feel that Stereophile is now on the upswing, and the past few issues have provided me a lot more satisfaction for my investment.<

Excellent news for the entire industry.

> Part of that is the fact that you no longer are part of the review team.>

Smeck smeck, as Steven Allen used to say.
I'll just have a cocktail while you whale away, okay? I get it, you don't like my writing. Thanks for the feedback. Really. Enough did to perpetuate it, that's all I'll say.

> I did write on this very site before you were let go that I wish that your relationship with the magazine would be lessened/terminated.<

So it WAS your fault!

> From what I read here, you are making a better living at Monster Cable. I guess we both win!!! <

Truer words were never spoken.
j10,your an "east-coast liberal democrat of the worst kind"as if there was any other kind. i thought larry archibald was the resident left winger on stereophile. i take back all the nice things i said about you now that your out of the closet.heh,heh,yuk, yuk. saw your column on monster,same old js but with a better picture,see what money will do. heh, heh.
J 10 it would not be a problem to name names, but since this was reported to me in confidence and the source is well known to many here I would not do the discourtesy to someone I respect (as oppossed to the discourtesy to someone I do not respect.)
They were supposedly your former friends!?! But I guess I would want to cast my own termination in the best possible light too, so I'm not surprised by your remarks.
Good luck at Monster Cable.
> 02-17-03: Capeguy
> j10,your an "east-coast liberal democrat of the worst kind"as if there was any other kind.<

You forgot the badabing!

> I thought larry archibald was the resident left winger on stereophile.<

How left can you be living in Santa Fe. But he rode the freedom buses down south during the 60s, I have enormous respect for him personally, and, of course, he's some businessman.

> i take back all the nice things i said about you now that your out of the closet.heh,heh,yuk, yuk.

That's "nyuk nyuk" buddy! (-"

> saw your column on monster,same old js but with a better picture,see what money will do. heh, heh <

Yeah, what a hoot, but I'm pretty free to say and do what I want, we'll see how it develops. Of course, I'm still a Monster, but still, for a Monster, I have a lotta freedom.
>02-17-03: Nrchy
J 10 it would not be a problem to name names, but since this was reported to me in confidence and the source is well known to many here I would not do the discourtesy to someone I respect (as oppossed to the discourtesy to someone I do not respect.)<

I see. Whatever is told you in confidence, but you drop it into AudiogoN. Not very courteous to your friend, actually, unless he meant you to repeat it for whatever reason. You will, however, as you say, be discourteous to me and repeat the unsubstantiated gossip. Nice.

> They were supposedly your former friends!?!

You must realize people have all sorts of reasons for saying things, especially after someone has departed. Why not ask whoever it was to e-mail me in privacy and air their beef. It might help me be a better manager of people now. Or maybe someone would apologize. Maybe not, but in this country, people have the right to confront their accusers, no matter how discourteous *you* feel like being. For whatever *your* reasons are. Which escape me.

> But I guess I would want to cast my own termination in the best possible light too, so I'm not surprised by your remarks.<

FYI, the "cast" of the termination was set by John Atkinson himself. Of course there was more, but I'm not talking. He cast it that way, it's totally true, allows us both to be productive now that I'm still in the business, that's the story, and that's all there is to it.

> Good luck at Monster Cable.

Thank you. I'm sorry to tell you... it's going extremely well.
dear j-10
every months for audio ,i m reading,2 american,3 french,2-3 u.k,2-3 germany,1 japonese magasins.and every day i m spending few hours at internet for audio.because im audio nuts for a more than 20 years now.
for me you were really one of the best reviewer.i m really missing your review
votre depart de stereophile pour moi etait le debut dela fin pour la revue.
i would like you meet you one day(on a deja un ami commune ,mr.stein).

j10, i didn't like archibald's views on politics or audio and i really didn't like it when he inserted his politics into a hobby magazine,but you have to admire a guy who put his butt on the line in those buses.sort of makes the silly little pissing duels in audio pale in significance doesn't it.