What is wrong here.. on Audiogon?

I don't get it. I ask a legitimate question about help on picking a preamp for my Pass Labs amp. I get maybe 10 responses. Some other guy who apparently is not a Pass Labs fan, has a thread on Amps with lights/meters and which sound better? He gets 50 comments.. Is this an example of reality TV's effect on society? Maybe someone will become a hit on here telling fart jokes.. Just something to think about!

Showing 4 responses by erik_squires

The best I think we can achieve is to akin to finding movie reviewers we like, but also to listen to those we don’t.

We discover reviewers (amateurs count) who like the same kind of films and have shared pet peeves with us. Knowing WHY a movie reviewer likes or doesn’t like a film though is supremely important. "I found the costumes too colorful" my be exactly something we want to watch. "I thought it was a documentary, but it was a musical and I hate musicals." Those sort of salient details make a reviewer much more useful than a thumbs up/thumbs down type of taste maker.

And that’s a pet peeve of my own. I can respect the preference of someone who loves brand X - but if they don’t give me some details about what they like about it, what other brands they tried before, and what speakers they are listening to this fanboy commentary doesn’t help me very much at all. All I've learned is that Susan loves X and doesn't like Y. Well, that helps me not one bit.


Amps with meters is an Erik S thread he is a Legend(in his own mind)thats why so many people respond.

I'm going to go get my health screening, because I have a feeling it is going to be many many years before @ebm wakes up to realize the logical error in that statement. I want to be around for when he does.

To speed things along, I add a hint:


+1 @tomcy6

A big plus to responders who give detailed explanations for their recommendations. They make it a lot easier to tell if they are recommending a result you want.
Hello OP:
I ask a legitimate question about help on picking a preamp for my Pass Labs amp. I get maybe 10 responses.

First, I sincerely and genuinely hope you get good advice and end up with a match that you love. I'm sincerely sorry I don't know Pass amps well enough to help you, and honestly I'm surprised since there are a lot of pass fans in these forums. If I had an answer for you I'd share it.

Some other guy who apparently is not a Pass Labs fan,

Sounds like it may or may not be me....

has a thread on Amps with lights/meters and which sound better?

Oops, nope, definitely not me. I never said that amps with meters sounded better. I only said they are better.  :-)

It was in fact meant as a lighthearted, but honest thread. Honest in that it exposes how very different our desires are, and that we should be able to respect what others like while at the same time able to pick a different path than theirs. I'm also a sucker for nostalgia and reminiscing about gear from the 1980's so I am enjoying it immensely.

Unfortunately, at the root, you've stumbled upon the nature of social engagement on the internet. Despite having a VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION you may or may not have any engagement at all, and sometimes trivial issues consume an entire populace's imagination.

This bothers me too. I know way too much about the Kardashians and way too little about the fall of the Prussian Empire.