What is the forums opinion of SVS subs?

What is the forums opinion of SVS?

I have been thinking about adding a sub and started studying Rel. Then I saw an add for SVS and l gave them a look.

I have seen time and again this forums praise of Rel. So then when I was looking at Rel's specs compared to SVS, It APPEARS at on paper that SVS digs deeper at -3 db than Rel at -6 db, at a lower cost. But how do the two compare in their sound?




Showing 1 response by 2psyop

I have had one SVS subwoofer long ago and didn’t have a good experience with the company. The unit needed service and they really didn’t want to do it. They wanted me to buy another subwoofer from them. Years later a local store in Ohio was selling SVS and stopped carrying the brand because SVS was selling direct, which meant the company could not make money??? I have Rythmik now and if I were to buy another subwoofer it would be Rythmik or Rel.