What is the best vintage TT for new audiophile?

After many years of ignoring my vinyl, I have decided to wade back into the audiophile pool. I am looking at the Thorens TD-160 s well as the TD-126 MK III but have also seen a Luxman PD121 and PD272. I'm only doing this once, maybe there is something better out there??? If not, what should I pay for the units above?? Help!
Many thx.
I have 2 vintage tables acquired for very little money.
Sony Biotracer PS-X500, and a PS-X600. To me they are real keepers. They are complex in design but easy to set up and use. The PS-X600 I purchased from the original owner for $90 shipped to my door. I can not imagine doing much better for that price. These direct drive Sony tables were not nearly as popular as the Denon and Luxman types but were well made in the day and offer respectable performance with a good cart. Assuming you can find one outside of eBay you can usually get them much cheaper versus the Denon or Luxman tables. Depends on just how budget you want to go.
Sonographe SG-3; AR ES-1; an early LP 12; Planar 3; VPI HW 19;

I recently had the pleasure of starting to restore a friend's SG-3. In terms of its drive system, it is very similar to the AR, and it almost appears that the entire design brief was to make the best AR possible.

What I ppreciated is that the table can be balanced directly from the top of the plinth.

All the tables I mentioned are solid designs which can be bought these days very reasonably. The least fiddly one is probably the Planar 3.
You ask for the best vintage turntables, here is my rating by personal experience :
1/ EMT 927
2/ EMT 930
3/ Lenco L 75
4/ Garrard 301 / 401
5/ Thorens TD 124

My opinion is based on musicality and dynamic factors.
Best regards,