What is the best band ever?

Obviously, answers will be subjective. Wish we could poll this. I guess, just give your personal favorite.

Led Sepellin for me.
16 Horsepower (granted, a very personal choice and well outside of the mainstream...hey, you asked!)
I would add the Byrds to the list, they were my favorie band in the 60s, a very innovative group. However, even though I liked the Byrds better, I'd have to say that in rock the Beatles are the best band ever, for the reasons Jaybo lists. They were more than just their music.
Led Zeppelin
Jimi Hendrix
Bob Dylan
Alman Brothers
Grateful Dead
String Cheese Incident
Post removed 
Zep is on the top of the mountain look down on everyone.

If Hendrix would have lived, I think it may have been another story.

Led Sepellin for me.
John11f 10-10-08

John11f it's spelled "Led Zeppelin."

My best is the Beatles simply because they made such a wide variety of great songs.
the fab four...their effect on culture(music, and 'everything else'for that matter)was not subjective,particularly if you lived through it.