What is the Best Amp.... to Mate With the Townshend Allegri Preamp?

What amps mate best with the Townshend Allegri (Passive) Preamp?

Does anyone have the Townshend Allegri Preamp?  

If so - what amps have you used with it?

Is it superior to all other preamps?

Someone has to have one?  No?????
It is a fine unit, but not for everybody ( passive in general, whether TVC or not ). Look at my recent thread on the Luminous Audio unit I own..........some interesting stuff by me, and a few others.
One good choice would be the version of the Music Reference RM-9 amp that provides three different amounts of gain, chosen via a toggle switch. That is true for all passives, not just the Townshend. By the way, the Allegri has gotten very positive reviews in the UK press. 
I can't believe the best active preamps are inferior to the Allegri Passive Preamp....