What is a good online retailer for XRCD's, etc.

I am looking for an online source for XRCD's, HDCD's, Hybrid SACD's, Gold CD's and other "audiophile" recordings. I have looked at all the typical online sites including HDCD.com and XRCD.com as well as cdconnection, cdnow, towerrecords, etc etc.

Does anyone know of a good place to buy this stuff?
acousticsounds.com. chad kassem and his staff are very knowledgable and helpful. for a "direct" xrcd source (i.e., them's what makem'), try fimpression.com. winston ma (principal of fim) also has a decent selection of hdcd and sacd discs, too. -cfb
www.elusivedisc.com Bob Bantz, the owner, is an audiophile himself and knows music.