A Plug For a Power Cable and a Retailer

While I have read numerous threads on Power Cords, the one thing that’s always bugged me, and is rarely mentioned, is the unworkable stiffness in most high-end products.  And the thicker they are the worse it becomes.  It’s hard enough trying to navigate the numerous cables that reside behind most equipment stands, and the inflexible Power Cords just make it worse.  Case in point would be the Furutech DSP-4.1 cable.  Highly rated, very pricey, and horrible to work with.  Same with last GutWire cable I purchased.  But I have finally found the answer to my dilemma in the Ultimate Power Cord by Puritan, out of the U.K.  Rated to handle up to 40 amps (maybe a stretch by the local codes) and as limp as a wet dish towel.  Beautiful.  I won’t bore you with specs as anyone interested can just google Puritan Audio.  Now the second part of my story.  I always try to buy local, but I won’t pay for the privilege.  I also don’t try to play one retailer off against another.  I hated that when I owned a business.  I will ask a store for their best price and let them know I won’t be back for a second go round.  In this case I have a retailer just 15 minutes from my house who carries the Puritan line.  They quoted a price and said they would have to order the cables (3) in for me.  That’s no stocked inventory, just a flow through transaction.  I then emailed a retailer in the U.K.  Stuart Mackenzie of Mackenzie Hi-Fi.  Stuart answered my email at just past midnight his time.  You have to love dealing with the owner of a business.  Long story short, he was extremely helpful and saved me $560.  The three cables were on my doorstep 10 days later.  It’s a global market and sometimes you find a good guy with good service.  When that happens, I like to give them a little promotion.



I’m running my Puritan PSM156 power conditioner with the stock Puritan cord. I was thinking about upgrading it but I like its flexibility and light weight so decided what the heck I’ll just upgrade the plugs and went with the Furutech FI-15 R and FI-32 R (IEC). Took few minutes to swap and to my surprise the improvement in sound was a lot more than I could possibly have hoped for.
So I’d recommend consider swapping those Puritan plugs. I just regret I didn’t go with higher end Furutech but might still do that down the road.

@facten   Shipping was $60 and the box arrived with nothing owning.  Sometimes you get lucky.  I'm in Canada so the last leg of the journey was handled by Canada Post.  The odd time customs get involved I just have to pay the 5% sales tax that would have been charged at point of sale here anyway.  

@audphile1 Please clarify.  Best I can determine the Puritan PSM 156 has a type G plug IEC for UK.  I own the PSM with their stock cable.  So you replaced with Furutech on the IEC end a type G?   

If you were to do it again, where would you go with the Furutech connectors?  Thanks

@celtic66 I’m in the US. The IEC connector in my PSM156 is the 20amp IEC. I purchased the Furutech connectors from VH Audio. If I had to do it again, I would get the Furutech FPS-055n cable with FI50 NCF AC plug and FI-52 NCF on the IEC end. But I must say the “stock” Puritan Classic power cord is very good. 

Thank you for clarification and valuable input.  Chris is just going to build a whole 1.5m cable.  His take:

”I'd be pairing these with Furutech FI-50 MNCF (standard wall plug, though Furu also has a version for 20A wall plugs if you prefer) and FI-52 NCF (20A IEC) connectors. Rhodium-plated, similar level of obsessive design”.

So, real close.



Yup. Go full NCF. And…stock up on scotch and patience as the 55n together with the NCF plugs has the kind of break in that will make you ask yourself a “WTF did I do” question. For about 6-8 weeks. However, once it’s cooked to perfection, you’ll be happy.

While you’re at it, get the GTX-D NCF outlet from Chris. Highly recommended and possibly the best ROI for $225 in this hobby. Getting it now will just save you another 6-8 weeks of insanity and aggravation breaking this in. 


I concur with the cable setup...and with the patience comment.I bought a cable with NCF 50s and was sure they were fully run in?...did a alpha 3 wire with them for modwright amp.The cable itself was 8 week's easy...im somewhat new to rhodium/new fi 28's (source) took as  long as they say as well.Really content with them though..."level of obsessive design" indeed.