What do the statistics say about the age of Audiophiles and the replacement rate?

I'm unable to verify this so I'd like some guidance.  I have a family member who is an authorized dealer of some really nice product lines (ARC, Magnepan, Sonus, Bryston).   

He won't confirm or deny my hunch, but at his shop I see mostly older white, affluent men. I see very few middle age men and no men in their 20s.  I don't keep all shop hours, but I do spend about 15 hrs./wk. there.  My relative won't show me his sales demographic but I can see with my own eyes.

So my question is this:  Is there an equivalent replacement stream of new blood entering the Audiophile world or not? Do you have statistical proof? 

If the universe of Audiophiles (supposedly 20,000 in the lower 48) is indeed shrinking where does that leave the manufacturers and dealers? 

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xyesiam_a_pirate

I’m not surprised that the OP found primarily older men in the gear store.  I am more surprised that he found an actual store that sells gear

Many years ago dealer , salesman , won’t entertain young costumers on their twenties? They are after the money. Now most of the dealer are onliine the opportunity to introduce high end audio is almost gone. 

My local store, Audio Advice stated recently that the vast majority of sales are home theater, not high end audio. Audio Advice has big beautiful stores in Raleigh & Charlotte & and a large online presence.
The majority of HT sales vs audio was quite surprising to me. Perhaps expanding classic audio stores (if not done already) to include HT, & an expanded online presence is the key to remaining viable by expanding revenue opportunities & attracting a younger audience. 

I have kids in their 30’s and early 40’s and they have been around my higher priced audio products during that time. They use Beats and Apple AirPod pros, but they drive nice cars.

Audio equipment is not ‘cool’ like sports cars for the younger and even the older  generation.

My audio system has approached 6 digits but my sports car costs quite a bit more. I think you see this on a regular basis, I do.

I love new music. There is so much. I buy gear that lets me maximize it. New music is more full that yesterday’s. Most older folks here have stopped deep diving into new artists. Classically trained passionate artists who produce electronic and house. Composers of carefully layered hiphop. But most here are not a part of those “conversations”. I also find it sad that all these older folks lack education. They don’t know how to properly analyze new information. All old heuristics for this sad lot. So many Ad Hominem attacks on “new music”, anyone can point out mass production garbage. But that only makes up 1% of new music. If you can’t name 1000 new artists than you shouldn’t talk. Otherwise, from a scientific perspective, you are speaking from ignorance. Old people are just are as sensitive as those generations they complain about. Gen X just sits and watches your inauthenticity play out over the past 40 years. Now we want your equipment at a fraction of purchase price when you die. Is that gonna be soon?