Weiss 501 upgrade to 4ch

Has anyone upgraded their 501/502 to the new 4 channel version. If so, have you heard any improvements for 2 ch listening?


Showing 2 responses by celtic66

Yes.  I did upgrade.  Not for the 4 channel part, but for the upgraded chip and upgrade of the analogue section.  Installed by Tom at Big Ear Stereo who liked the upgrades from a technical point and correctly predicted improvement.

I hear improvements in definition and dynamics.  Not outrageous improvement, but palpable.  I do not know if it would be discernable if not for a high threshold of a system.  Hope that helps.

Well, you know the Swiss.  Four official languages in a country slightly larger than Maryland, so they don’t like simple.  Postcard land with funny cheeses.

Love my upgraded 501 and I’m the only one needing that satisfaction.  Not looking, just enjoying.  They got it right.