the small electrolytic capacitors in the crossover might need a 0.1uf to 0.22uf ’bypass’ high grade film capacitor soldered across them.
something that does not shift their values by much, if t all. A 4.7uf electrolytic can capacitor would be ’insignificantly’ shifted in it’s total value by a 0.1uf film bypass capacitor, but would behave itself so much better, as a pair, when the signal passes through them. this would get rid of residual bits of slur and noise in the reproduction.
Micro-fine edges of transients would be better defined. This is important as humans hear by or via the micro-fine transient aspects of signal. 100% of our hearing is concentrated in this area of the signal. It’s all we hear. The rest is not heard by the ear.
This would be realized by your brain and ears in the after of doing so (after modification), as you listen to the very slightly modified speakers.
You would relax more into the music as you hear more of it’s micro detail in a more relaxed and easy way.
Your hearing and listening technique would take on a more refined and elevated (knowledge wise) track and from then on, your choices would be more informed in what you look/listen for and buy/assemble. You would gain an understanding in one area of minutia of the equation. A critical aspect.
Basically... a bit of single cause analysis in a swamp of non-clarity. Critical.
99.99% of audiophiles understand audio gear as a unknown and unfathomable black bag of cats.
Gaining any form of knowledge of the minutia of the interior of the bag of cats and how that affects the resulting understanding of the bag of cats..becomes a critical and heretofore unknown data point. Finally, some sort of minimal handle on thing---appears.
Basically a minimal form of single cause analysis on why the speakers sound the way they do, as a single cause change has been actuated. The result of this is positive, in the given experimenter’s future. A hair more knowing in a world of bags of cats.
Biggest quality and quantitative change in the desired direction, for a few hundred dollars at most, and no ten thousand dollars plus spent, to get there.
An equation with no downsides that are remotely worth mentioning or dealing with.
If one looks at the audio world clearly, they might realize that almost any given thread and almost any given comment by the mjaority of participants, are invariably unknown black bag of cats question and answer sets.
Unknowing retorts on the results when arranging and shuffling around and connecting together said black bags of cats. All coming from nowhere and going to nowhere.
A truth, it is.... but it is difficult to mention in polite company.
Next domino to fall: the more successful marketing.... is designed around such.