Virtual Systems

What a blast looking through your rigs!  

Some systems appear to be cost-no-object, while others are more modest.  But the passion we all share in this hobby shows through.

Great stuff.

Yours is one of the all time high character value systems. The work you've put in is evident. You already know I covet your record rack. That table looks the business on those black columns and springs too. 
it’s a shame that Virtual System posts do not get listed in the "recent posts" link so we can all pay more attention to all these interesting systems. there is much to learn.

the way it is now Virtual Systems is a ’posting’ dead end and so it’s in the margins of activity.

years ago the Virtual System posts were in the ’recent posts’ rotation, so there was much more activity on them and lots of great interactions did occur. over the years back then i made lots of friends that i still have today from that interaction and learned a great deal and got excellent feedback on things i was doing.

now it’s mostly dead. maybe the commercial side of Audiogon got tired of the competition for the attention of members?