Virtual System updating problems. Anyone else?

I've been trying to update my Virtual System but always get an ERROR message.
Re-enter my name and password etc.
Sends me to a page to enter a NEW system....
just wondering....

Showing 1 response by mofimadness

AudiogoN is in the process of finally updating this forum and virtual systems. The email I got this morning says it will happen on November 30th. I'm sure this changeover is affecting some functions.

Here is the email:

Introducing the New Audiogon Forums and Virtual Systems

On November 30th, 2015 we will be retiring the existing Audiogon Forums and Virtual Systems and replacing them with entirely new applications.

Don't worry, all of your data has been preserved. We've imported every post and every virtual system. All of your past activity and history has already been migrated.

The new applications have been designed to feel familiar while incorporating new features, and both are 100% mobile ready.