Vinylistas and Tubers - One and the same?

I am curious to see if I am in the small minority of Goners who listen exclusively to vinyl (or who have some digital source they use only when the can't get the album on a vinyl new release or reasonably priced in NM condition) and use solid state amps and phono stage. My reasons are I've been building my vinyl collection for the past 40+years, interrupted by the 10-15 years when vinyl wasn't being produced or distributed much in the US from the late 80's until the early 2000's and think it sounds better than CDs - never tried hi rez DLs or streaming, and I don't want to deal with the cost, inconvenience, unreliability (compared to SS) or heat of tubes. 

Please let me know if this describes you and your reasons.

Also, interested in the logic of those who use tubes and listen to digital.

Don't really need to hear from the digital SSers or the vinyl tubers unless your reasons are not obvious (either wanting no noise and maximum selection or like the full sound of vinyl with mid range emphasis and tube mellowness and are willing to pay the price).

Vinyl was the only game in town back in the 60’s I became a member of the Columbia record club if you joined you got 10 albums for a dollar. Tube amp, pre and phono and two turntables. Listening to a Pink Floyd CD right now, digital recordings in the right system make for great listening so I enjoy both.
OMG, Columbia Record Club… I think I joined that in 1967… while in high school. Got a bunch of albums I didn’t like… but my parents probably would have.

Years ago I was in the vinyl & SS camp.   Now I'm in the digital & tube camp, although I still own SS gear and use it occasionally. 

I left vinyl, possibly for good, about 15 years ago.  To my ears the best digital is superior to vinyl.  Of course vinyl can sound quite good. 

I find that running digital into a tube preamp and tube amplifer produces beautiful music.  I also don't listen to music quite as loud as I used to, so I have less need for all of the wattage obtained from SS. 

My system has all digital sources, the one I use the most is my Roon Nucleus Plus server streaming Qobuz into a PS Audio DirectStream DAC.  I also have a PS Audio CD/SACD transport.

I find my McIntosh solid state amp pairs really well with my Focal Sopra No2 speaders, and when I changed from a solid state McIntosh preamp, to a tube unit from the same company, the improvement with acoustic instruments was significant enough to sell the solid state preamp.

I left the vinyl world many years ago and haven't looked back.

So everybody looks at the technology primarily, not the individual component's characteristics when it comes to tubes vs. solid state? I think the box matters more than the technology. Plenty of great SS out there and crappy tubes.

I agree that digital can approach vinyl, depending on the recording and the components being used, and convenience can play a major role, perhaps even more than the tubes/SS question.