Vinyl in Katy, TX

I’m driving to Katy, TX next month. Are there any nice vinyl sellers in that community?  I’m hoping I can stay in Katy and don’t have to drive into Houston and fight heavy traffic in order to shop for vinyl. Thanks in advance. 
@eickenho, if you can't get from Katy to Cactus in 25 minutes ,you ain't tryin. It's Houston, that's close.
Cactus is no where near Katy.  And, Black Dog is going out of business, so you need to call before trekking to Bellaire.
Might have trouble getting the stick in your eye with the broken collar bone

Oh my!  
Driving in Houston traffic or a sharp stick in the eye. Hmmm....I’ll have to give this some thought. 
I appreciate the heads-up about the traffic. 
Just so you're under no illusions, you will encounter the heavy Houston traffic getting to Shepherd/59. That area is about as Houston as it gets.
Have to correct you....with my broken collarbone (happened Friday), I am NOT able to embrace  anything. lol
I’m a big bicycle enthusiast and wish I could claim a bike accident, but truth be told, I was in a freak golf cart accident. Don’t ask any more questions....too embarrassing. Since my summer golf and biking and fall bowling league are now down the toilet, i’ll have a lot of free time to listen to music. 
There are 3 Half Price Books stores in or near Katy.  Especially great for classical multi-disc sets, but lots of rock/jazz/etc.  Everything, really.
Thanks much. I wil be driving down to visit my elderly mother and was hoping for a good store or 2 to visit in the evenings.  Unfortunately i broke my collarbone yesterday and will have to reschedule my trip. But anxious to rummage thru stacks of vinyl when I do finally hit Katy. 

Please also check out Blackdog records, it’s in same vicinity as Cactus Records. 

4900 Bissonnet St #202, Bellaire, TX 77401